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A yawn left me when I woke up. I frowned when I noticed that my surrounding was different.

'You're no longer home, idiot!' a little voice screamed in my head making me roll my eyes.

My room was still dark even though light was peaking from the thick blinds of the window. I could still make out figures.

Surprisingly, I found out that I wasn't going to share a room with my husband. I haven't even seen that man's face not to even talk about speaking to him.

The moment we were done with the wedding at the church, he didn't even allow me to say goodbye to my family before dragging me into a car and taking me to the airport.

Arrogant jerk!

My phone began to ring and I picked it up. I smiled when I saw who was calling.

"Are you dead yet?" Lisa's quiet voice filled my ears making me laugh. "I'm still breathing, thankfully," I said and she let out a sigh of relief. "I couldn't eat properly when I didn't find you. Blaze told me you had left and I nearly fainted," she confessed.

"You do know you're being dramatic, right?" I raised a brow as I got off the bed. "I can't help it! I thought maybe they had put a bullet in your head or something!" she exclaimed making me smile.

"I'll be fine, Lisa," I said to her. I walked into the bathroom and rolled my eyes at the extravagancy. Wealthy people really love to flaunt their money by doing insane things.

"Just be submissive and you'll live long," she said to me. I chuckle, "And you, try not to step on your mother's toes too much." "I'm trying," she mumbled.

I cringed when I looked at my reflection. My hair didn't look like a bird's nest. It looked like someone put a heap of wet grass on my head. I did not look attractive at all.

"You can move out," I suggested as I placed the phone on speaker and picked my toothbrush. I was able to arrange my things before going to bed last night.

"I'll see what I can do. I need to sleep now," she yawned and I nodded. "I love you," I said and hung up. When I was done brushing and taking my bath, I changed into a pair of black leggings and a light blue sweater when I noticed the weather was a bit chilly.

I packed my curls in a bun and left my room, nearly bumping into Anya.

"Oh, dearie! I was just about to come and wake you up for breakfast!" she exclaimed with a cherry tone. "Good morning, Anya," I greeted the woman. "Good morning to you too. Follow me. I'm sure you must be starving," she said and turned to leave.

"You have no idea," I mumbled and followed after her.

"You haven't told me your name yet," she said to me. "Oh, I apologize. I'm Rosaline, but people call me Rose," I told her. she turned around to look at me and I felt a little bit uncomfortable under her gaze.

She was even taller than me.

In times like this, I was disappointed by my height. Being 5'5 wasn't really benefiting.

"The name fits you," she gave me a smile and I silently thanked her.

We got downstairs into the living room and she led me to the dining room. "Have a seat and I will bring your food," she said to me. "It's fine, I can get it myself," I told her.

"Nonsense! I'll be back," she insisted and walked away before I could argue again. I sighed and took a seat at the side of the table. She came back holding a plate of pancakes and sausages. My mouth watered at the sight.

"I heard that Americans love this dish as breakfast, so I thought it'll be nice," Anya said as she placed the food in front of me. "Thank you so much, Anya," I thanked her and she waved me off.

"I hope you like it," she said and I dug into my food.

Damn! It tasted so good!

"This is awesome!" I moaned making her laugh. Then I remembered Alexei.

"Isn't Alexei coming for dinner? Or he isn't back yet?" I asked her. "Oh, he came back late yesterday night. He usually eats his food in his room or office," she replied.

What a sadist he is!

"Okay then," I said and she nodded before leaving. i was done eating and went to the kitchen to wash my plate. "Don't do that!" Anya practically flew to my side to snatch the plate from my hands.

I frowned, "Why?" "You're not meant to do that," she said as I snatched the plate back. "Oh come on, Anya. I'm not a doll. My hands work perfectly fine," I rolled my eyes and continued what I was doing.

I wasn't Catherine or Kimberly that needed fifty maids to cook their meals.

"Anya, I'm a wife now. As a wife, I am meant to cook and clean. I'm not telling you to not do your job but I'd like it if you'd allow me to assist you," I said to the displeased woman standing beside me with a frown.

"You are the boss's wife. You are not meant to cook and clean," she said to me and I rolled my eyes.

When my mother was still alive, we never had any maids. We did all the cooking and cleaning ourselves.

Speaking of my mother, I haven't heard about her from anyone yet.

"Anya, this is my wish," I said to her. she huffed and nodded. I thanked her and left for my room.

It was a miracle that I still remembered the way back. When I got in, I checked my phone to see messages from Blaze and some of my co-workers.

I missed wearing my scrubs.

"I'll be lucky if I survive a month here," I mumbled and went to climb my bed. Now, I was trapped in this house with nowhere to go. I don't even know anywhere in this foreign land.

I hated this so much.

I needed to talk to mom.

A knock drew my attention. "Come in," I said.

A tall man walked in. he was buff with a bald head and tattoos on his neck. He looked so scary and I remembered him. Anya referred to him as Igor.

"Boss asks for you," he said. "Okay," I said and followed him out of the room.

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