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"If he lays a hand on you, you better call me and let me handle him," Blaze said with a hardened voice. I rolled my eyes at him, "I wonder how Lauren keeps up with you." He huffed, "Don't use her against me." "Stop being an overprotective asshole. I can handle myself well, you're not even in the same country with me!" I complained.

Yeka just left after we came back from getting our nails done and I was busy admiring my new nails when my brother decided to call me. It's been a long time I've heard his voice.

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother to the moon and back. But sometimes, his overprotective side gets so fucking infuriating and annoying. I hate how he behaves like I'm a china doll that can break easily.

I'm made of flesh and bones!

"I can't help it. Whenever I think of you, I get chills. Chills, Rose! I get fucking chills and a heart attack!" he exclaimed. I sighed and sat on my bed, "I can protect myself, Blaze. Alexei won't hurt me. And if he does, I'm not a weak bitch."

"I wish I could bring you back here," I heard him mumble and I smiled. I could picture him sulking right now.

There was a voice in the background followed by him cursing. "I have to go now. Take care of yourself and don't forget to call me if that man fucks up!"

I rolled my eyes again. "Whatever." "I love you, bye," he said and hung up. I sighed and laid on my back. My stomach was full from Yeka and I's little adventures to different bakeries.

My eyes widened when I remembered what today was.

"Shoot me!" I panicked as I grabbed my phone and dialed Lisa's number.

"HAPPY GRADUATION!" I exclaimed immediately she picked up. "I thought you forgot," she mumbled. "Let's switch to face time," I suggested and she said an okay before hanging up.

I hit her up and I was greeted with my beautiful little sister's face.

"Hey," her smile was big. She had her graduation cap on and her face had little makeup but she looked beautiful nonetheless.

"Let me see your dress," I said. She nodded and placed the phone down before taking a few steps back. My smile grew bigger when I saw her dress.

She was wearing the dress I bought for her on her twenty second birthday. She looked so beautiful in the light blue floor length dress. It matched her eyes so well.

"I did a good job, didn't I?" I said and she laughed before picking up the phone. "I still have like an hour before we leave," she said as she sat on her bed. "I wish I could be there with you," I said sadly.

I had planned that we would spend her graduation night together.

"Me too," her lips quivered. "Oh come on, Lisa. Don't cry, it's your graduation!" I laughed.

She gave me a small smile, "I just miss you so much. Life has been unbearable here. I feel like I was too dependent because you were always here defending me. I feel like I have no backbone." Her eyes were already teary.

My heart clenched.

"Sweetie, you know I love you so much. I'll always be there for you. You have a backbone, Lisa. You don't need to rebel against your mom," I said to her.

"I don't like when she makes me attend functions and expects me to bring a man home. I don't want to be a gold digger," she said to me.

I should have brought her with me.

"Lisa, forget about everything just for today and enjoy your graduation. I'll get you a gift, okay?" I said with a smile.

"I just want you," she sighed. Me too, sweetheart.

"So you're telling me there's no man in your life till date?" I raised a brow at her in attempt to change the topic. She scoffed, "All they want is sex and I'm not ready to be someone's use and dump." I chuckled, "You won't find a man if you assume all of them want the same thing."

She waved me off. "How's everything going with the mafia boss? I hope he hasn't hit you yet," she asked me with wide eyes. "His name is Alexei and no; he hasn't hit me. He won't, to be exact," I told her.

She gasped, "Really? I thought he would have killed you by now." She sounded relieved. I laughed, "Me too. I thought I wouldn't last a month, but look at me now."

"Do you guys share a room now?" she asked. I shook my head, "No." she frowned, "You guys are weird. How are you going to make babies if you guys don't stay together?"

My cheeks heated, "Don't say that, Lisa." She narrowed her eyes at me, "You're telling me he hasn't touched you yet?"

I nearly choked. "LISA!"

"What?" she feigned innocence. This girl.

"I want to take a nap and you're in my way," I said to her and she laughed. "I was just pulling your legs, relax," she said and I huffed. "You're a crazy little thing, you know that?"

"Only for you," she smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Anything new about your mom?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"No, but she's gaining more color slowly. I just hope she will wake up soon," I said with a sigh. "Don't worry, she will," she gave me an encouraging smile. I loved this girl. "Lisa, get down here!" I heard Catherine screech and I saw Lisa's lips thin.

She sighed, "I have to go. I love you." "Love you too, have fun," I said and hung up. I sighed and rolled onto my stomach.

My mind drifted to the few moments I spent with Alexei. I used to hate me.

No, hate is a string word.

I used to dislike him, but now I'm not sure I do.

I mean, I like spending time with him. I like the warmth when we cuddle. I like how he touches me and makes me feel loved and important but I'm not really sure where that is supposed to lead me.

He still annoys me though.

"I can't be falling in love with that man," I groaned and rubbed my temples. There was no way he was going to return my feelings and it was going to hurt in more ways than one. I didn't want a one sided love. I'd rather chew sand than ever experience that again.

But he is my husband. In the mafia, there was nothing called divorce. The only way out of marriage is death and I'm pretty sure Alexei has no time for love.

But I know he still has meaningless flings.

The thought of him bedding another woman made my heart ache. With a frown, I sat up and placed my hand on my left chest in attempt to calm myself down.

"He's a mafia boss, it's normal to have flings," I mumbled to myself. I was trying to convince myself but it wasn't working. I knew hoe the mafia worked. You'd be lucky to experience love between the parents. I was lucky though. I knew my father loved my mother so dearly.

But with Alexei, I'm not sure that will happen. Sometimes, I can't even tell what he's thinking. He's only less uptight when Yeka or Vlad is around. I hate the poker face he always wears around.

'But he has smiled at you,' my subconscious said. I sighed and fell back to my bed. "I don't want to fall for him," I whined and buried my face in my pillow.

This was going to be hard.

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