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I slowly opened my eyes with a yawn to see myself entangled with Alexei. He was still asleep and had his arms wrapped around me while I was on top of him.

I liked this.

I took my time to admire his features. His lashes, his nose, his cheeks, lips and everything. I would never get tired of doing so. I brought my fingers up to his face and began to trace imagine circles on his cheeks.

His skin was smooth as that of a baby and yet, he had no skincare routine. God really has favorites then. With a grin, I continued to caress his face with my fingers.

He looked so peaceful while he slept. His poker face was gone and he looked like a baby. Who knew a hot guy could look so cute?


His husky voice groaned lowly as he slowly opened his eyes. Those stormy gray eyes made me shy immediately. I smiled sheepishly and gave a little wave, "Hi."

He chuckled and pulled me up making me yelp when our faces were close. "Good morning, sweetheart," he said and kissed my nose. My heart nearly failed me.


"Good morning," I smiled. "Since you called me sweetheart, that means I can call you honey pie," I joked and he laughed. "Isn't that a little cringe worthy?" he asked and I chuckled.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me. "I don't know yet. I haven't moved from here," I said to him. He nodded and sat up along with me. I proceeded to get off the bed when pain spread through my core, abdomen and legs.

A hiss left me as I grabbed the covers. "It seems I did a number on you," he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me. "You think?" I huffed as he helped me off the bed. I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around me so he could carry me to the bathroom.

"Are you going anywhere today?" I asked as he placed me on the marble counter and handed me a spare toothbrush and paste. He shook his head, "We're going out."

"Huh?" I frowned. He nodded at me, "We're spending the day together."

He must be joking.


He wasn't joking.

I was standing in the living room, dressed in a pair of black cargos and a body con long sleeved body suit. My hair was let down and brushed properly so I wouldn't look homeless and I had minimum makeup on.

Alexei made Anya take a day off so we were going to have breakfast outside.

I think this was his indirect way of taking me on a date but one can only hope.

At least he's buying me food. Now, that's a gentleman.

"I'm here," I looked up from the floor to see him walk towards me. He, on the other hand, was dressed in black slacks and a white button up shirt with two buttons undone. He looked cooperate but not exactly with the way he was dressed. There's no way I could explain but that's all I could say.

He also wore a sliver chain around his neck that made his skin look more beautiful.

"You look so small," he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me. I glared at him, "I am not small!"

He laughed at my reaction and slowly spun me around before I faced him again. "Yet so beautiful," he added making heat rise to my cheeks.

The audacity of this man!

"Thank you. You look nice too. That's all you're getting," I said and looked away. I knew I was behaving like a child like this. But that seemed to amuse him the more.

"Let's get you to the garage so you can pick the car you want," he said as we walked towards the door. I fought the urge to squeal. "Will you let me drive?"

He gave me a blank stare, "No." I huffed and crossed my arms but followed him out. "I was starting to warm up to you. You're an asshole," I declared as he led me towards the large garage.

"I never knew Russia could make ice cream to be this sweet," I moaned as I ate my ice cream popsicle. "I'm surprised you don't have diabetes," I heard Alexei say.

I snickered, "I'm a doctor." He was a little bit pissed at me because I was eating his ice cream. It's not my fault he didn't want to eat it. Besides, I was still hungry from all the shopping we did.

He bought me two Birkin bags! I mean, what the hell?

He also bought me a few dresses to add to it. I didn't mind though. But right now, we were looking for a dress that was fit for a club. He told me he was taking me to one of his casinos and one of his clubs.

Since there was going to be varieties of drinks, how could I refuse?

"When is your birthday?" I decided to ask him. He looked at me with a raised brow, "What do you want to do with that information?" I rolled my eyes as I finished my popsicle.

"Buy a house in New Zealand," I said dryly making him smirk. "I'm turning twenty nine on the twenty fifth of December," he said and I brought out my phone to check the calendar.

Wait, we missed thanksgiving?

"We didn't celebrate thanksgiving?" I glared at him. He frowned, "We don't do that here. It's an American tradition." Oh, now I understand.

I looked at the calendar again.

His birthday was Christmas!

"So you're old," I needed to get him a gift. He scowled at me, "I don't go through menopause." I laughed at his response as I skimmed through what I could get for him.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked him. "I don't have one," he said and I turned to look at him in disbelief. "Don't you like one color more than the others?" I asked.

"All of them are okay."

This man is not alright. "Alexei," I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I don't have time for those things, Rose. I'm a busy man," he said honestly and I waved him off.

"I like red," I decided to tell him. "The color fits you perfectly," he said and I smiled. 

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