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I walked into the living room to see my mother, Alina seated on one of the couches with a distant look of her face while she watched television. She looked up to see me and gave me a smile.

"Good afternoon," I greeted her as she patted the space beside her for me to sit. "Hello, darling," she pulled me in a hug when I sat down. That was one thing about her. she loved hugs.

"I came to check on Blakely," I told her. "She had a big meal earlier so she's asleep upstairs," she said to me and I nodded. "Has she stopped crying?" I asked her. she chuckled sadly, "She cries for both of you at night but spends the rest of the day sleeping."

This made me sigh. I'm fucked.

Rose would kill me if she was here.


I felt a pinch in my chest. "I heard Rosaline's elder brother flew here," mother said. I nodded, "He's helping the others with the situation." I couldn't even recognize my own voice again.

She hummed a sweet tone and placed her hand on my lap to make me look at her. "Who is Rose to you?" she asked me. I frowned, "What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes, "Who is Rose to you? Is she a gift from your grandfather to you? Is she a friend? Is she just a woman? Who is she to you?"

I kept quiet.

Who was Rose to me?

"She's my everything," I found myself saying as I looked away from her. "So you love her so dearly?" she said. "I care about her. but I'm not sure I'm good at loving," I admitted.

The only one thing I feared apart from God was love. Love was scary. It's the most incomprehensible feeling in the world and I didn't want anything to do with it.

"Why do you say so?"

"Look at what love did to my grandfather and my father," I scoffed and she chuckled. I felt bad for bringing it up but it was the truth. She knew my father didn't love her as much as he loved my real mother.

"Love can turn you into another person. That's why it's beautiful," she said. "It is not. It is a terrible weakness. Losing a loved one is like losing a part of your sanity," I explained to her.

She offered a bright smile, "Is that why you're afraid to let her into the deepest part of your heart?"

"She doesn't love me that way. We just care for each other as we should." I was getting tired of this conversation. I just need to get Rose back.

I stood up to leave but she grabbed my hand. "You love her; it is not a weakness. If it is, turn it into your strength. That is what your grandfather did. That is what makes you a man," she said and placed a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded and walked out of the house.

I got into my car and let out a sigh.

All I needed was peace of mind. Where would I find that when Rose was gone?
she was my peace of mind!

I closed my eyes in annoyance and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I fucking loved Rose.

And Sahin is going to pay for touching the most precious thing in my life.

My phone began to ring.

It was Vlad. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and picked it.


"Get your fucking ass here! We've found her and we're getting ready!" he exclaimed and hung up.

I felt like I was submerged underwater.

It's been more than a week.

My brain registered everything and I hit the gas without thinking twice. I was going to bring my wife back.





I was convinced I was going to die by this time tomorrow.

It was going to be peaceful.

Presently, I was bound with my mouth gagged and I was placed on the bed to sit up. I looked like a worm with the way they tied me.

The ropes were too tight and they dug into my skin harshly.

That didn't matter anymore. I was going to die anyway.

I never imagined that I would be one of those people to die by starvation. But like I said, it didn't matter anymore. I would spend my last moments thinking about the happiest memories of my life.

Memories of me with Lisa and Blaze.

Memories of me with Blakely.

Memories of me with Yeka, Bianca and Vlad.

Memories of me with mom.

Memories of me with Alexei.

Alexei, how I wished I could see him again and tell him I loved him.

When I die, I will make sure my spirit haunts Sahin and kills him. Then, I will be satisfied.

Then, I will be free.

I hated how sticky my hair was. They didn't even give me a change of clothes.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a loud bang.

It was a bomb.

My eyes widened.

I don't want to die by a fucking bomb! This was not what I agreed to!

I heard loud noises of panic outside. If I had any energy left, I would have wiggled out of bed and slowly made my way to the door.

They knew I had no strength left, that was why they left me like this.

I heard a few gunshots and my heartbeat sped up. I felt myself shudder and I closed my eyes.

Counting one to three.




I snapped my eyes open to see Blaze run in. Blaze? What was he doing in Turkey?

He yanked the gag cloth from my mouth and pulled me in a hug. "Thank God you're alive," I heard him say and I felt his body shake.

Was he crying?

I wanted to speak but my throat was aching. I watched as he unbound me and threw away the ropes. I stood up and immediately fell. My head began to spin as I felt dizzy.

"Fuck, Rose. Stay with me!" I heard him yell but I couldn't see anything.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" I heard a panicked voice. It was familiar but I couldn't remember who it belonged to.

Was I dying now?
someone pulled me in their arms and I felt a familiar warmth. It was the warmth I longed for so much. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I've dreamt about this warmth so many times.


I was going to die in his arms.

I liked that.

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