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I woke up from my sleep to find myself wrapped up in Alexei's arms. His head was resting on my chest and our legs were tangled. I loved waking up to myself being in his arms.

"You're still meant to be asleep," I heard him mumble into my chest. I smiled and ran my hand through his hair. "Are you meant to be awake?" I asked him. He looked at me with an eye open and I wanted to take a picture of him that way.

He looked so adorable.

"I'm never fully asleep," he said and closed his eyes again. I frowned, "That isn't a good thing." "It's already a habit," he mentioned as he snuggled closer. "That's a very bad habit, Alexei," I tapped on his ear.

He hummed and looked up at me, "I'll change when you're fully recovered." I rolled my eyes but kissed his forehead. This man was too good for me.

"What is the time?" he asked me and laid back down. "Six." "Sleep. The sun isn't out yet," he said. I smiled, "I want to check on Blakely."

"Her nightmares have stopped. I'm glad," he said to me. My smile grew, "Did you stay with her at night?"

He nodded, "That was before I took her to my mom's place. She's improving in her Russian too."

"I don't approve of that," I narrowed my eyes at him. "She's my daughter, she's going to have to take after me," he smirked.

Cocky are we?

"She's taking after me," I countered and he chuckled.

"I'm glad you're getting better," he said as he sat up. I did the same, "I am better."

He shook his head, "Not yet." I glared at him, "Do you want me to get fat?"

He grinned, "You'll look irresistible either ways." I felt flustered but I flipped him the middle finger.

It has been over a week since I came back and I was going back to my normal state.

Luckily for me, I had no nightmares. Maybe it was because I tried my best to push everything away. I wanted to be strong and I was going to be strong.

"Is Sahin dead?" I decided to ask. I saw his smile drop and his jaw visible clench.

I knew this was going to happen but I needed to ask. "Not yet. I want to give him a painfully slow death," he said in a low but unhappy tone. "I want to kill him," I stated and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere near that man," he said with a hardened tone. It seems like he has forgotten that I'm not a submissive woman.

"It's not like he can hurt me anymore. Just let me finish him off for you," I pouted. He looked at me like he was expecting me to say I was joking. "I'll feel satisfied and glad," I said to him and he sighed.

"You make me do a lot of things I don't want to do," he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Thank you!" I squealed and hugged him.

That action caused nausea to rise inside me and I got out of bed to run to the bathroom.

"Fuck," I groaned as I vomited my stomach content into the toilet on my knees. I felt someone gather my hair from my face.

When I was done, I wiped my mouth and fell backwards. "You okay?" Alexei asked softly as he carried me up in his arms and flushed the toilet. I shook my head, "My stomach hurts."

He placed me on the counter and raised the shirt I was wearing. I noticed how he was looking at my stomach with a foreign expression. He had been doing it recently.

"Maybe I have the flu," I grumbled as I rinsed my mouth by the sink. He placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed it lovingly.

"Let's get you in the bathtub," he said after I brushed my teeth. "Will you join me?" I pouted and he chuckled as he nodded.

Twenty minutes later, we were in his Jacuzzi bathtub. It was so fucking relaxing with his arms around me and massaging my shoulders.


"Hmm?" my eyes were still closed as I enjoyed his soft touch. "There's something important I need to tell you," he said to me making me look up at him.

"I'm all ears."

There was a brief moment of silence, like he was thinking of how he was going to say it. So I waited patiently.

He looked at me. "You're pregnant."

My eyes widened and I turned to face him fully. I was kneeling in front of him with mixed emotions swirling inside me.


I couldn't believe my ears.

I was pregnant? Or was he joking?

He nodded, "You're pregnant." "W-wait, what? When? How did you even know?" I asked as I ran my hand through my hair.

I was pregnant throughout the time I was being tortured?

"I found out the day we took you to the hospital. Don't worry, the baby is healthy. The both of you are fine," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

"Why didn't you tell me then? Why wait a week?" I frowned. My heart was beating so fast in my chest. "I wanted you to get better first," he said as he looked at me with concern in his eyes.

He was being considerate.

This made me love him all over again. Fuck, I wanted to cry!

"I hate it when you're being too sweet and you don't even realize it," I mumbled and buried my face in his chest. "I'm sorry, but it's hard not to love you," he said and hugged me.

I smiled and kissed his jaw. "I love you too. I'm sorry for being careless," I apologized.

I got into trouble many times and I did stupid things while being pregnant.

I don't deserve to be a mother.

"Don't cry, Rose. There's nothing to apologize for. You weren't being careless. You know I don't know what to do when you cry," he mumbled the last part as he pulled me up to look at him.

"Sorry," I sniffled and tried to blink my tears away but they kept falling. Now, I understand why I've been getting emotional all the time. Now, I understand why I've been eating a little too much and even getting picky with what I eat.

"I love you and I know you'll be an amazing mother. You already are one with Blakely," he said to me. I smiled at his words, "You really know how to fluster someone."

"I'm being honest, Rose," he said with a pointed look and I chuckled.

"Let's go and make breakfast, I'm already hungry," I said and a smile broke on his face.

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