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"What the hell?" Boris was enraged as he stormed towards the door. He walked out and it remained only the two men. I heard gunshots and a loud bang again. I exhaled shakily.

I looked at Alexei who raised a brow at me. I nodded in response. He looked away from me and my gaze fell on his thigh. It had slowly stopped bleeding but he needed to be treated quickly.

I didn't want to cry but it was so hard not to. I sniffled. Every part of me wanted to rip free and run to him. Even though he didn't let it show, I knew he was hurting.

The door was slammed open, catching my attention and Yeka walked in holding a gun and covered in blood. Without a word, she shot the man behind me before he could move.

"You bi-" the other man was about to punch her but she kicked his groin and shot him in the head. "Babe, sorry I took long," she ran to me and untied me. "Thank you," I sniffled as she helped me up.

We ran to the guys and began to untie them. "I'm so sorry," I choked out when my hand touched Alexei's wound. It was deep, the pain in my heart was deeper. "Do not apologize, Rose," he rubbed my arm and I swallowed my tears.

We need to get out of here first.

"Vincenzo?" I asked Yeka as I helped Alexei up. "He's out with the others," she said hurriedly with a shaky voice as she helped Vlad balance. My eyes widened when I saw a gunshot wound at his abdomen.

My eyes became blurry. They needed to get to the hospital fast.

I assisted Alexei as we walked out of the room. There were dead bodies scattered across the hallway as we got to the exit. We got outside. I grabbed the gun from Yeka and quickly shot one of the ogres that was approaching us before he could aim.

We got outside but we need to get to the other building.

"That was my last bullet," I heard Yeka say. "What?" I looked at her in disbelief. "I'm covered in blood," she stated and that was the explanation and I understood. "Fuck," Vlad hissed in pain and my heart clenched.

We'll be out soon. Alexei was silent all the while and I didn't want to worsen anything going on.

"You bastards!" Boris was approaching us with a gun in his hand. My eyes widened when he pointed it at me and fired before I could react.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I was pushed out of the way and fell to the ground. My eyes widened when I saw Alexei close his eyes in pain as a soft but pained groan left his mouth.

I heard another gun shot.

But I knew Boris had been shot.

"No," I mumbled in disbelief as I quickly rushed up and ran to Alexei as he fell to his knees. He fell forward and I grabbed him, "Alexei!"

My breathing became uneven.

"Rosaline," he whispered and his eyes closed.


This can't be happening.

"Alexei, Alexei, wake up!" I held his head in my hands and tried to wake him up. "Rose-" I interrupted Yeka, "CALL THE AMBULANCE!"

"Rosaline!" it was Vincenzo that ran to me and a few other men. I felt like I was underwater. I couldn't even recognize my own cries because I felt like I was drowning. My ears were ringing loudly.

"ALEXEI, PLEASE WAKE UP!" I screamed my heart out as my wall crumbled down and my tears flowed out like waterfalls.

Then everything became black.

All I could hear was the sound of the heart monitor and it was so annoying. I opened my eyes and groaned when I was suddenly greeted with a bright light. I blinked severally and adjusted to the brightness to see that I was at the hospital.

What was I doing here?

Then everything came crashing down on me.





I quickly sat up.

"Thank God!"

I turned to see my mom seated on one of the chairs be the window with Blakely asleep on another couch. "Mom, what are you doing here?" I frowned. She stood up and approached me.

"How can a mother not stay by her daughter's side even though her daughter went to the face of death without informing her," she said to me with a glare. Guilt began to eat me up.

I didn't tell her when I wanted to leave.

"I didn't want to cause any worry. And if I told you, you wouldn't let me. I need to save him," I told her. then she broke into tears, "I was worried sick when I couldn't find you. I called you but your line was switched off!"

I flinched, "I'm sorry." She sniffled and placed her hand on mine, "I understand why you did it. I wouldn't stop you if you told me, I would have helped you. I'm just so glad you're alive."

My hand suddenly went to my stomach, "The baby?" she smiled with a nod, "It's also fine." I let out a breath of relief. "I need to see Alexei," I proceeded to get off the bed but she grabbed my arm.

"Not yet. You need to get checked."

As if on cue, the doctor walked in.

"Mrs. Volkov, thank goodness you've woken up," he said with a warm smile as he approached us. I let him do his check up and answered every question truthfully.

"You will be discharged in a few minutes so I will prescribe a few medicines to strengthen your immune system for the baby," he said and I nodded. "How is my husband? Can I see him?" I asked him.

He smiled, "He's alive."

Relief filled me, "Can I see him?"

He nodded. Mom helped me off the bed and I turned to face her, "Thank you." She patted my cheeks, "I'll pack your things."

I frowned, "Things?"

She nodded. "You were unconscious for three days straight," she said as she went to the closet to get my things. I then noticed I was dressed in hospital clothes.

"Go and see your husband before your daughter wakes up," she nudged me forward and I smiled before following after the doctor.

"Thank you so much doctor," I said to the man when we got to the ward. He smiled and patted my shoulder, "Don't stress yourself too much. Just page me if you need anything."

I nodded and walked in.

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