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She stared at me like she wanted to kill me. Bitch, the feeling is mutual! "Polina, please excuse us," Alexei said. His voice was calm but I could tell he wasn't happy. She looked at him with surprise, "You can't be serious?"

"Did he stutter?" I interjected with a raised a brow and stood at akimbo. I could tell Alexei wasn't happy with my behavior but I couldn't care less. Madam Polina glared at me, "I wasn't talking to you." She began to speak in Russian but I waved her off, interrupting her, "Find someone else's man to hump."

With that, she huffed and stumped her foot before walking away angrily.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Alexei.

"What was that about?" I glared at him. He sighed, "She's the daughter of a friend. You're supposed to know the type of man I am."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "You go ballistic whenever a guy even looks in my direction, not to talk of approaching me. And now, I can't even tell her to back off? Do I look like a fool to you?" I glared harder.

It felt like we were going back to square one again.

"Rose, you know you're far from that. Don't make this situation look worse than it actually is," he sighed.

Did he just indirectly call me a drama queen?

"Are you saying I'm dramatic?" I scoffed. I didn't even wait for a reply before walking away immediately. I was really angry at the moment and I needed space.

I found Igor, "Is there an office I can stay in? I don't feel good."

He nodded and led me down the hallway and up the stairs. I took off my heels and followed after him. We got into an elevator.

"Are you okay?" he asked me as we walked out.

"Your boss is a dick," I commented and he chuckled before leading me into an office. I instantly knew it was Alexei's. his signature scent hit my nose and I felt my anger dissolve immediately.

"You can stay here," he said to me. I wanted to ask why. "Safety," he added and I understood. He walked out and I went to sit on one of the couches.

His office was neatly arranged, just like the one back home but this was a lot bigger.

My mind wandered the what happened between us.

Okay, maybe I was being a little dramatic. But still! He was being an asshole.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

"He has no right to tell me what to do," I huffed and crossed my leg over another.

That bitch Polina.

She caused this. Doesn't she know he is married?

The door opened and Alexei walked in. "Rosaline," he was pissed.

"Aren't you meant to be attending to your guests?" I stood up and crossed my hands across my chest.

I seriously need to work on attitude.

"We need to talk about your behavior," he stated as he approached me. I stepped away with a scoff, "You're not my father." He grabbed me and pulled me to himself.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he said and my tongue got stuck in my throat. Why was he always the one apologizing?

"You're joking," I muttered as I looked away. Now, I felt bad.

I was turning into a bitch.

Oh my God! He'll never fall in love with me if I keep behaving like this.

"I'm sorry for making you unhappy, Rose," he said as he raised my chin up with his hand so I could see the seriousness in his eyes. "I didn't mean to act like I bitch. I'm sorry. I just got jealous and her attitude threw me off," I babbled.

"What will I do with you," he sighed and kissed me. My heart slammed against my chest and I prayed he wouldn't feel it as he pulled me closer. My hands cupped his face, wanting more.

Our tongues fought for dominance as he slowly and gently pushed me back until my back hit the wall. He squeezed my butt, making me moan into him.

"Even in a room full of the most beautiful women of different shapes and sizes, my eyes will always be on you," he broke the kiss and looked me dead in the eye.

My lips parted. I didn't know what to say.

"I will never take another woman to my bed. That is a promise," he said and my chest constricted. I wanted to cry.

I wanted to yell those three words but I was too scared.

"Make love to me," I whispered. "Gladly," he whispered and kissed me feverishly.

I was really hungry and tired at the same time.

It was three in the morning and I was entangled with Alexei in his bed. I would have gotten up and went to look for food but my abdomen and legs had other plans in mind.

Alexei did well to let me know I wouldn't be able to walk throughout today. Even after that hot adventure in his office, we came home to continue and I nearly passed out.

He had the stamina of an animal and I was at his mercy.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by a hand gripping my one of my breasts. I turned to look at the handsome man who was slowly opening his eyes.

"Happy new year," he mumbled and I smiled. He looked so cute and I wished I could take a picture. "Happy new year," I turned to face him. I couldn't believe I was madly in love with this man.

"What's going on in that head of yours? It's a new year. You're not supposed to overthink on the first day of the year," he said in a lazily tone.

I raised a brow, "Says the man who thinks about work all the time." He waved me off and I chuckled before burying my hand in his hair. His eyes closed and he buried his head in between my breasts.

"I think I like waking up to this," he mumbled and I smiled.

Me too.

"So you like being with me?" I teased and gasped when he put one of my nipples in his mouth. "Yes, I do. Go out on a date with me? Both you and Blakely," he said and looked at me.

I smiled, "Like a family date?" he nodded, "I think I like the role of a father."

I giggled and hugged him, "Thank you."

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