Awfully Persistent

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A strangled squeak made it's way out of Dipper's mouth.

Ah ha! He knew he wasn't crazy! He would have time to gloat with Mabel later, but the question was:

Who the hell was this man?

Was he even human, or just some supernatural being that's great at shapeshifting? Hurt or not, Dipper wasn't just going to go in blindly to help.

If he was going to help.

The stranger, quickly noticing he'd been seen, stood up a brushed himself off quite well for someone rapidly losing blood. Dipper gulped, put on a straight face, and faced what would probably be the death of him.

The stranger, quickly realizing he'd been seen, stood up and hurriedly brushed himself off. "Oh! Just the person I've been looking for!"

Dipper tensed, and stood back, still eyeing the bleeding wound.

"Oh this, yeah, this pain is definitely not hilarious..." With a snap of his fingers, time seemed to rewind. All blood spattered across the blood once making a horrible squelch beneath Dipper's feet rushed right back into the wound as it closed up. No scar...

"Oh, don't tell me you still don't remember me." Dipper thought about tonight's events...

This pain is not hilarious... Wait.

"Bill? As in, Cipher Bill? He had a body, a human body. Dipper took a moment to get a better look. Dark skin, a yellow tailcoat framing wide shoulders, and black slacks that clung to a slim figure. He was a few inches taller than Dipper and wore an eyepatch, with the ironic stitching of an eye on the front. He had blond hair, the left half dyed black. His eye was a piercing gold, almost glowing, one that seemed to look through your very soul.

To sum it all up, he was kind of...handsome.

Not that Dipper would tell anyone that.

"The one and only kid, I'm guessing you like what you see?" Bill quickly closed and reopened his visible eye, Dipper was guessing that was his version of a wink.

He blushed, and quickly looked away.

Bill laughed. "Aw, Pine Tree. You're blushing. I'm just that handsome I guess, wouldn't you agree? Don't forget, I can read your mind!" Dipper visibly stiffened. Think of anything else! Roadkill, old people, maggots, worms! Maybe Grunkle Stan in a bikini.


Anything other than that slim, muscular torso and strong arms, which could fit so perfectly around-

"Ding ding ding! Those are some very lewd thoughts, Pine Tree! You could always see more if you like.


Bill gave a light chuckle. "Anyway, I bet you have a ton of questions to ask me. Maybe I'll answer some, I'm in a good mood now that you're here." Bill flashed Dipper a smile.

How could he be so non-chalant about this?

"Yeah, I do have a few questions! First of all, what is this?!" Dipper made a motion with his arms, referring to Bill. "And where did you get it?!" His face contorted into one of horror, thinking of how Bill probably ripped a soul from that body, and took it for himself.

"Oh, please! I didn't steal it. I made it! Granted, it did take a while, and a lot of magic and favors...but it was worth the look on your face!" Bill then imitated the strained gesture Dipper made a couple of minutes ago with his arms. He then had a fit of cackling, floating over tot rest his head on Dipper's. Dipper responded by immediately falling down(man, his ass hurt), and scooting away, hitting the back of a tree. Something flashed across Bill's face. Was that, sadness? Whatever it was, it left as soon as it came, and Dipper automatically felt guilt well up inside him.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now