Sole Purpose

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This chapter will be written in an OC's POV. She was submitted by ShiningInsanity . On another note, we have just about hit 700 views! This makes me so happy, to see that so many people are quite interested in this story. Caroline and I thank you. The reason I didn't update on Saturday was because I got sick. ;-; So, I'll try to make this a long chapter! If you've stuck it out through this incredibly long AN, you get a cookie.
Chapter 7:Sole Purpose

Des walked along the dirt trail, kicking up rocks as she did so.  She knew Dipper and Mabel were back at the Mystery Shack! A long summer of fun awaited than, she had so much planned! Her curled hair bounced with each step, reflecting her bubbly, hopeful mood. The tips of Des's eyes crinkled as she smiled, a true, genuine smile that she hadn't shown for a while.

She hoped to at least get a chance to talk to Dipper, figuring he must be busy unpacking his things. More than she'd admit, she longed for the smell of his skin, which smelled stuffy and strongly of Pit Cola (he loved that drink) and to sit with him closely, so close that his pale skin would temptingly brush against hers as they'd play video games.

Yes, more than Destiny would like to admit, she was very much in love with Dipper Pines. She was bursting with joy, being in love was wonderful! She always relished in the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, the adrenaline pumping through her veins, blood rushing to her tan cheeks to form a noticeable blush. Ah yes, today would be a great day. Destiny had finished her short trek though the woods(immediately shying away from the random gnomes, she always said hi to Jeff though) and took a deep breath as she opened the door to the Mystery Shack. The smell of the old wood of the walls made her feel almost at home.

Sloshing around the jawbreaker in her mouth, Des walked up to the checkout counter, to find Mabel gulping down a tall glass of Mabel juice. "Hi, Mabes."

Mabel's head shot in Destiny's direction. "Des!" She practically fell out of her chair, jumping over the counter(she could've just as easily gone around) and hugging Destiny tightly. Des could've sworn she heard a rib break. She politely shoved Mabel away, whose smile didn't falter. "Okay, let's cut down on the physical contact there. I missed you too." Mabel took a proud stance. "Darn tootin'! Who couldn't not think of this beautiful face for over 6 months?" Destiny laughed. She raised her soft spoken voice to overpower Mabel's(ha, fat chance). "I'm guessing Dipper's up in the attic." Mabel shook herself out of her daze. "Oh, right! He's probably got his nose in a book. You know Dipper." Des gave a knowing smile. Yeah, she did. "You can head up there, I'm sure he won't mind it. Much. His dusty books can wait." Mabel then hopped right back over the counter(again, why) and boredly sat down, like a tired soldier slouching at his post, to tend to customers buying incredibly obvious fake merchandise for hundreds of dollars. "See ya later, Des." Des nodded in acknowledgement, and proceeded to head upstairs to the attic, giving Waddles a small pat on the head as she went.  She tentatively knocked on the door and waited for a response, shoving her hands in her black pant pockets. There was a bit of shuffling heard before she was met with Dipper's tired eyes, and ignored bedhead. "Des? Hey!" He held out his hand for a handshake(he knew Destiny didn't like to hug) which she gladly took. His dark eyes seemed to brighten, and Des was glad she had this effect on him. "Prepared for video games, good sir?" She said mockingly. "Or are you accepting your inevitable 200 consecutive deaths in Black Ops 3?" Dipper gave a hearty laugh, just as mocking. "I beg to differ, Madame. For you see, I shall be beating you! My skills have sharpened while I was gone."  Dipper handed her an Xbox One controller. "Ready, player 2?" Des smiled, and laid her hand on this small but meaningful offering. She gave a small smile.

"Yeah, I am."
End of Chapter 7

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