Assume your Role

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This chapter will be in Bill's POV.
Bill could not fathom why this was happening.

And although that was the case, he found it hilarious Shooting Star even fell for the idea that Pine Tree managed to reel in a live one. Seriously, anyone living in Gravity Falls knew better than to get that close to the Pines family.

With how many summers have gone by with the twins uncovering secret societies, and being chased by zombies then ending up having undead karaoke sessions, most people would decide to prolong their short miserable lives a little longer by avoiding them. It was a wonder how the fat one and the old one keep getting customers.

Right now, Bill was witnessing Shooting Star explain to Stan Pines why she was screaming(more like screeching like a banshee) and Pine Tree looked like he was smothering himself with a pillow and smashing his head into the wall. If he wanted to kill himself, he could've just asked Bill.

After all, he's been trying to do it for years.

The eldest pines seemed to have a mystified look on his face, which then contorted into laughter.

"You're joking!" He began to hold his sides in laughter, immediately followed by a groan from Pine Tree.

"But it's true! He got jewelry and everything! And I saw bruises on his arms!" Mabel assumed a pointed look. Bruises? That must be from the tight hug he gave. Stan's laughter came to an abrupt halt. "What. Let me see."

"Wha- Grunkle Stan, you can't be serious!" Pine Tree's pleading was barely believable. "Now."

Looks like Stanford is standing his ground. Weird, I thought humans liked hugs.

"Listen kid. Next time you see this friend of yours, I wanna be there. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Stanford wants to Well then,

Time for a little roleplay.

"I mean it kid, go call 'em up, schedule a date, make sure they wear their Sunday best, and there better not be any inappropriate touching. At least not anymore than you've already done...have y-"

Dipper quickly cut in. "NO! No! Just, why do you need to meet them?"

Grunkle Stan took a seat on Mabel's bed. "Because, I'm supposed to be protecting you kids. So, until I meet this person, what else about them can I assume other than they're some weird creepy sex pervert?"

Well, he mostly got that part right.

"Get to it, that's an order." And with that, Stan left the attic, his heavy footsteps making murderous screeching on the old steps. Dipper flopped down on his bed. "I hate you. You're a bad person."

"I know, and that's why you love me! So, call them! Let's get to it! It's not fair you get a summer romance while I'm still waiting for mine!" Mabel pouted.

Dipper perked up. Right. Great. Perfect. Just fucking dandy. "I'm not calling him while your in here, get out." Dipper shoved Mabel halfway through the door frame, she used her feet to slow herself down. "Wait...him?!?"

It was at this point, Dipper realized, he fucked up.[I'm not sorry] He responded with a facepalm. "Just, get of here. And no leaning on the door! Go play with Candy and Grenda or something. Knit something for Waddles." Dipper then shut the door and leaned against it, sighing with his head in his hands. He waited until he heard Mabel's footsteps walking away to speak. "I already know you're there Bill." He whispered in frustration.

A binding light flashed before the room desaturated into a sickly gray. "Hey, how'd you know?" Bill appeared in his demon form this time, floating just above the ground. "I thought I was being sneaky. But hey, I get to 'meet' Stanford and Shooting Star! I wonder what I should wear."

Dipper cringed. "Nothing that will embarrass me, please. You can hear me begging, can't you?" Bill wasn't listening, by that time he had changed into human form and was scrolling through various outfits inside some portal. "Ah, this will do the trick! Bill quickly pulled out a mostly black outfit, with the exception of a yellow vest. With a snap off his fingers, his clothing was replaced with what he chose. His hair changed to, from half dyed black to a little longer, all blond. He was also sporting some black glasses which would make most people look like a nerd. They suited him, though. The outfit was made up of black skinny jeans, black dress shoes, a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and the yellow sweater vest previously mentioned.

"Perfect! Wouldn't you agree, Pine Tree?" Dipper was starting incredulously, Bill had merely just snapped him out of it. "...Right." Bill was an idiot. "Just...don't do anything stupid, and try to learn how to be normal." Dipper stood up and began to walk out of the room. Just come back in that outfit when I call you, got it?" Bill saluted. "Got it!" He said, as color flooded the room once more. "Well, off to better educate myself on human interaction!" A bright flash of light and Bill was gone again.
"And he'll be here tomorrow at noon, alright?" Stan nodded. "Good, because I already called your parents. They want to speak with you, by the way." Dipper visibly paled. Stan held up his cellphone, which he hesitantly grabbed. What a great way to start off the summer.
Alright! I've decided that I'll be posting a new chapter every Saturday. If I miss a day, feel free to shoot me a PM. Do you guys like differing POVs? Tell me and I'll add more. See you next week.

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