Williamsford T. Cipher

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Chapter 6

Dipper heard a knock on the door. Right. Today's the day Bill is coming over. And... he checked his watch, noon, right on time.

"I got it!" Mabel yelled way before Dipper could even get to the door, or even speak. She opened it, Bill standing there, in the the outfit he had chosen out yesterday.

"'Ello there, miss." Bill greeted in an obviously fake British accent. He tipped his top hat and gave Mabel a warm smile.

"Well, I can see my brother is in love with you! You are incredibly handsome. Mabel Approves! Come on in." She smiled right back at him and moved aside for Bill to walk in.

Dipper stood by the door, blushing bright red and glaring at his sister. Bill just chuckled at his reaction. Dipper looked at Bill and looked away, face red in embarrassment and anger. URG! Mabel!

Stan walking in and looked at Bill up and down, the outfit was classy, and he looked like an nerd, instead of a demon. "Hello. I'm Stan, Dipper's uncle." He said and reached out to shake hands with Bill. "You are?"

"The name is...Uh...Williamsford T. Cipher. " Bill, or William, shook hands with Stan. Dipper knew the name was fake, but he had to admit that it was an interesting name that he made up. "But please, call me William."

Stan simply nodded, "So William, how did you meet Dipper?" He asked slowly.

"School. Though he is a very quiet kid. He likes to work and read a lot. One time I even offered him tea at lunch." William smiled, looking over at Dipper. The demon's British accent was starting to get annoying. But secretly, Dipper really liked it. It made Bill seem more like a gentleman than ever.

Stan nodded. "That's reasonable and it sounds much like Dipper. He's spent most of his summers here with his face in the Journals." He chuckled lightly and shook hands with Bill again. "Thanks for coming. Would you like something to eat?" He asked politely.

"Sure. But only if I get to sit next to Pine-Dipper." Bill corrected barely in time. It seemed Stan hadn't noticed at thing. Dipper did though. Bill had almost called him Pine Tree. Bit surprising but he didn't want the demon to get caught, and surprisingly the demon seemed very human. Almost too human...

Dipper didn't want to think about the results if Stan knew that William was actually Bill Cipher. The horrible demon that had tricked and almost killed them. The teen wasn't even sure if he trusted Bill just yet. It was uncertain whether the demon was tricking them, but it seemed very much like he was telling the truth.

Stan nodded as he lead Bill into the kitchen. The demon sat down, fiddling around with the fork, but he never stabbed it in his arm, which is what Dipper feared he would do. Dipper sat down next to him, keeping quiet as Stan asked Bill some other random questions that the demon made up believable answers for. Dipper couldn't help but to be surprised at Bill, he was completely normal, no goofing off at all.

Bill's job was complete and it seemed Stanford had no suspicions for right now. The teen had to keep Bill in a low profile whenever they were in the shack. As soon as they entered the forest, Dipper knew that Bill would drop the nice human act and go back to torturing humans or whatever demons do.

They are with the occasional conversation. When Bill had finished up he walked out the door and Dipper went to his attic and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"How did I do, Pine Tree?!" Bill's high-pitched voice was right behind him. The teen jumped in surprise as he was startled by the dream demons sudden appearance behind him. Dipper turned around to face the triangle, noting that he wasn't human at the moment. Good. Now I won't get distracted by his looks...He thought.

"You did very well and Uh...thanks. You didn't mess around. And...where did you learn how to talk in a perfect British accent?" Dipper asked curiously.

The demon shrugged, "Eh, I watch people all over the world. I guess I fingered the best place to learn anything about humans and manners is England." Came his reply, imitating the same accent again.

Dipper just nodded. "Well you'd better go...I'm gonna get some work done." The teen muttered, sitting down at his desk, filled with notes, codes and the Journals. He had spent years analyzing and gathering notes and codes from the the Journals. He still wasn't done, only able to work on them in Gravity Falls during the summers.

"Alright! Happy nightmares tonight, Pine Tree." Bill said happily and disappeared in a bright flash of light.

End of Chapter 6
Okay, your long wait now comes to an end as another begins! I absolutely wrote none of this chapter, it was left up to Caroline! How do you think she did? See you next week!

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now