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Now, as you all know(if you follow me that is), I have recently reached 100 followers- a big achievement for me.

But I haven't been able to keep up with this story lately. I've had some ideas, but I dunno what you want. So, I'll give you some numbers involving vague ideas and people to avoid spoilers. You can choose from those. So, this story will be tailored by your decision.

1.Dipper and Bill go through a hardship(has to do with Bill's powers and his connection to the nightmare realm)and Dipper loses Bill. Not for long though.

2.(Shipping idea) Generic Mabifica or an OC? The OC can be of any gender.

3.New powers. One character gains new powers, which will create a butterfly effect to come in handy later.

4. Major character death. (It won't be Bill, don't go bananas)

I'm leaning towards 1 and 3, so it's okay to choose more than one. You can even suggest some ideas! Go nuts! XD

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now