Steer Clear of the Preset

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This chapter will be in Bill's POV. I'm trying out first person, do bear with me on this chapter. XD

I can still feel it.

The shy tug on the invisible cord that linked me to the Nightmare Realm. At first, I could feel someone tinkering with it. That cord is extremely sensitive, someone with enough power could jerk me right out of this body and back into that accursed realm.

I am part of that minority that that realm doesn't accept. Not outside of fantasy. I look like any other demon, weird and disfigured. We pass others on the street, we act like anyone else but... it won't be enough. I can't go back now. For the Nightmare Realm, we're pretty normal, provided you don't look too hard.

Not all of us realize what we are until it happens. Most are in denial. Some hide it well, very well, and never get caught. The other unlucky few.. stripped of power and sent to die. But we exist, all around everyone else.

Trust me.

I'd lived there for about 300,513 years. Right up until it was outlawed. Was love really a taboo? They called it sick, and anyone found doing it would be ostracized and shot down. Some would overload themselves with magic, until they imploded our of existence. Just to end it all.

But I can't do it, I won't do it. If I did, I'd be leaving Dipper at the mercy of the people, cause they'd kill him too. I don't wanna drag him into this but... I can't help falling in love with him. His smile, his unkempt hair, even the dark circles under his eyes from when he'd be studying all night. I always watched him while he was in Gravity Falls, my power couldn't go beyond it. I thought it was just a phase, but this phase never passed.

...Damn it. And don't get me wrong, this IS annoying. If I take my eye off of him for a second, I panic. Nothing bad must become of him. All the while I wonder, would he like me back? Will he let me sweep him off his feet to run away together? Give him everything he could ask for? All I need is a chance. And recently, I got it.

It was by chance, him stumbling upon me in my injured state. I wasn't keeping an eye on him, Edgar made sure of that. But in a way, I must thank him(no matter how much the notion disgusts me). Like the fire of a sconce suddenly being re-lit, the feelings became stronger.

I decided I needed to have him. Nothing could make me happier. But...

Someone's tugging at the cord again.

This thought is forever hanging over my head. Them, threatening to drag me back. They want me persecuted. And the pull is getting stronger. Some day, I won't be able to hold onto the edges of this world. I'll be torn from this realm. And wherever Dipper is, I'm home.

But on that day, I'll have to leave home behind.

I felt like I should clarify a couple things. The act of love for someone in the Nightmare Realm isn't bad; it's loving a human that's a taboo.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now