Basic Training

239 19 13

Dipper's POV

"Okay, let's start with something simple." Bill handed Dipper the first scroll, the edges were worn and felt rough against his palms. "Is this papyrus?" Dipper was captivated. How old was this?

"Genuine papyrus, incantation written by enslaved Egyptians under my rule. Say this out loud as you look towards the sky. This is a very old spell made to bring rain in five minutes." Dipper quickly skimmed over the writing. Seemed easy enough... Right? He cleared his throat. His Latin was a little rusty, and Dipper suddenly felt small and awkward against the cold air. Bill looked down on him condescendingly. "Hurry it up, I don't have all millennium."

Dipper gulped. "Elementum recolligo Huic commodo locus mihi vestri vox..." Dipper quickly looked to Bill for approval. Nothing wrong yet."Elementum ego unda dico vos.
Permissum Pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto!" Dipper felt his skin being shrouded in shade. Looking up, he could see heavy, black, rain clouds bypassing the established frozen time rule. Not seconds after, rain drops were cascading down Dipper's skin, soaking his hoodie and darkening his hair.

"I... I did it!" He shot Bill an appreciative smile, cheeks flushing. Bill responded by crinkling the sides of his eyes. Was that a smile? Dipper had to stop his rejoicing. His vision had blurred, legs trembling. Was the sky getting heavier? The air getting thicker, Dipper couldn't breathe. He grasped at his neck, why couldn't he breathe? It was like the world was closing in on him. The universe wants to delete him, first restricting air flow, then cognitive functions. Finally sight and the ability to feel. Is this what it felt like to die? Dipper couldn't tell not did he care as he looked up from the ground after toppling over.

But then, Dipper noticed, he could breathe. His body functions slowly returned, like a volcano once lying dormant, senses exploding back into existence. All at once, everything was back to normal. Dipper gasped, greedily taking in oxygen. He glared at Bill(who looked pretty amused) the best he could through half lidded eyes, cheeks flushed and soaked in tears.

"What the hell was that?!" Dipper demanded. Bill simply rolled his eye. "It's called equivalent exchange. It took energy to cast that spell, kid. Not all of us can call on more magic from the suffering of human souls like I can." Bill snapped his fingers, drawing out black shadows from a portal filed with stars, urging Dipper to cover his ears as screams followed and absorbing them. "Like I said, simple stuff. But wow, you're weak. You had less magical energy than I thought. You need serious help. Good thing I'm here." Dipper had enough spunk back to be a little indignant at that statement. "But, that's still more magical energy than what most humans have. So, whatever. At least we have something to work with." Bill pulled out what looked to be a spinal cord, femurs and other bones growing out from the edges held together by tendons, pink mottled skin, stretching over them in stringy lengths, connecting together. An umbrella? He handed to Dipper, who tentatively took it. Dipper recoiled. "Gross..." He held it over his head anyways. Bill posed as a doting mother, scolding her troublemaker children. "Hey, I can't have you getting sick! You need to dedicate every last bit of your energy for this. Time's a wasting, Pine Tree!" Bill said, pulling out instructor's glasses and a pointer. Dipper sat down for the longest discussion of his life.
The training was rigorous, it felt like weeks since Dipper had started. Fumbling over words, stuttering over sentences, casting mind reading spells, accidentally burning the palms of his hands(Bill healed those after another scolding - 'Enunciate your syllables, damn it!').

"How long have we been training? I'm," Dipper paused to yawn. "Exhausted. Can we stop?" Bill dramatically groaned. "Ugh! Humans are so boring and weak! We're in the dreamscape. You've been sleeping." Dreamscape? Dipper shouldn't be tired. "Then why am I so tired?" He stretched his arms, yawning once more. "Your body isn't tired, but your mind is. It's been working for about 7 hours now. It's about 6:00 am in reality. But, since you have done most of what I've instructed correctly... I'll wake you up." Dipper's eyes immediately slid closed, as he groggily awoke in reality.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now