Raining Sideways

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"Damn!" Dipper cursed through his teeth, tightly clenched in adrenaline fueled anticipation.

"Another day, another loss." Des posed proudly, mocking Dipper over her 2nd win. "What did I say about going up against the master?" Des cracked her knuckles. "Wanna play another round?"

"No way, I think I'll get my ass kicked another day." Dipper was interrupted by the doorbell. Which was weird, considering the fact that it was 10:00 pm.

And I know what weird means.

Dipper jolted for the door. "I'll get it!" He yelled, loudly enough for Mabel downstairs to hear. "Too late! Ooh Dipper, why look who it is!" Mabel suggested devilishly.

God no, please. Not him. Not now.

Dipper frantically tumbled downstairs to find Bill, in all his glory, standing proudly at the front door, holding a bouquet of white roses. "Hello! Miss me? Why am I asking, of course you did! Hey, I brought movies!"

Dipper pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, turning his head towards the stairs to find Destiny looking up at him curiously.

"Who's this?" She had to ask. Dipper again sighed, even more loudly this time, as Bill squeezed the life out of him with a side hug. "I'm William! You are, madam?" Des shuffled down the stairs awkwardly, shyly holding out her hand. "Destiny. Nice to meet you um...William. Is it okay if I call you Will?" Bill grabbed Des' hand and kissed it, before giving her a rose out of his bouquet. "The pleasure is mine. Any name is fine by me." Looking on at this display of chivalry, Dipper suddenly felt..what was the word? ...Jealous. Which he shouldn't be. The relationship wasn't real, but, Dipper kinda felt small and stupid, and pushed these feelings away for now. He coughed loudly instead. Bill suddenly looked up.

"Jealous are we? Worry not, my dear. My eyes could never shine as brightly for anyone but you, my sweet." Mabel apparently couldn't form words, and Dipper flinched when he heard her familiar squealing.

"You guys are...dating?" Des replied quietly. Dipper gritted his teeth and took the bouquet and movies. "Yeah and, apparently we're watching movies. You gonna stick around or...do you have to go home? It's pretty late." He replied, half heartedly.

"Uh, yeah. See you later, Dipper." She says as she sullenly walked out of the Mystery Shack, bravely ignoring the pouring rain berating worn windows which got foggier by the second from the cold air. If only they could see the tears in her eyes and the broken pieces of her heart.

If only. Oh God, if only.

And into the night she walked, ignoring the concerned calls of Dipper and Mabel, not noticing the ear splitting grin on Bill's face.

The only thing she could let out was a screech of terror as cold hands covered her mouth and knocked her out.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now