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Monday, February 15, 2016 has marked the end of Gravity Falls. R.I.P. Bill.


See you next summer.
"Okay, Edgar, so what am I doing?" Edgar was currently literally floating over Destiny's shoulder. Was he a ram or a goat? Maybe a sheep?

Stay on track, Des.

"Yes yes, stay on track my dear! What I need you to do is just get close enough to Dipper and give him this," Edgar hands Des a small charm, in the shape of a crossed off eye. "I mean, get it somewhere not totally visible in the Mystery Shack."

Des examined the small charm, rolling it around in her hand. "What does it do?"

"It just slightly weakens Bill's magic. Knowing him, he did something to protect Dipper from being probed. I just need to see what kind of spell he cast and work out a cure." Des twirled it around in her hand before closing it around the small object completely. "God, I can't be this desperate but..." She quickly pocketed the small object.

"For Dipper. No turning back now." Edgar clapped his hooves together. "Excellent! Hey, how 'bout a celebratory handshake?" He held out his hoof. "Um, sure. Why not."

A small squeak erupted from Destiny's mouth. A healthy shock had been administered to her hands. "Ah, damnit!" She shook away the sting and massaged her palm. "Why!" Des drew out the 'why'.

"Cause it's funny!"

Destiny flipped him off. "Fuck you! I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO!" With that, she proceeded to walk to the Mystery Shack. Edgar didn't really know what meant but followed her happily. "Whatever, floats your theoretical, bound to sink, boat."

Des gave a small smile, she didn't let Edgar see though. "I think we're gonna be great friends."

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now