Deals Are Made To Be Broken

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As Bill finished his story, Dipper couldn't quite figure out where he would fit in this equation."Okay, so this Edgar guy wanted you to help him take over the world? What do you need me for?"

Bill pursed his lips, squashing a bug underneath his cane. "First off, not just the world you fleshbags live on, but the entire dimension. Second and lastly, I need you because I can't go near it." Dipper quickly interrupted. "Wait, wait, wait...I thought you told me you weren't interested in it! What happened to that?"

Bill held up a free hand, signaling Dipper to shut it. "What Edgar said got me thinking. It could actually exist. And if it does, I'm not letting Edgar get his hands on that power. I'm not letting him control this dimension," Dipper was...actually surprised. Was Bill finally working towards the greater good? No evil? Bill resumed talking. "After all, I called dibs on it a long time ago! Why should he get it?"

Of course.

Dipper facepalmed. "Good, okay, so you can't go near it. So you want ME to? What'll happen to me? I'm not doing that." Bill pulled Dipper in for a side hug, crushing his ribs slightly. "Oh, come on! You won't get hurt! But there may be some considerably noticeable side effects you humans might relate to radioactive sludge... or a superpower, as meatsacks call it. But, hey! You might get high dimensional standing out of all this!"

...Eh? "Why would I want to help you? You might just weasel me out of all reward, or hurt Grunkle Stan and Mabel, or try to steal the mystery shack again!" Bill held his head with his chin. "Hmm...I can promise I won't do anything unfavorable in your eyes. How about I throw in a couple facts about that journal you love so much?" Bill's grin stretched from ear to ear when Dipper's eyes widened. Looks like he caught his attention.

"You can promise me nothing will happen that I don't approve of? Everyone will stay safe?" Bill eagerly nodded his head. "Yep! I will need to off that Edgar guy first though...Anyways, do we have a deal?" Bill stuck out his hand, blue flames danced around it. Dipper begrudgingly grasped Bill's much larger hand, settling his into Bill's palm. The flames weren't hot (surprising considering blue flames are hottest) and tickled as they greedily engulfed both Dipper and bills arms, then disappeared. "Looks like we have a deal! I'll call you when I need you kid! So long." With a snap of his fingers, Bill was gone. In his wake, a golden medallion perfectly capturing Bill's demon form fell onto the ground with a note.

P.S., you may want to wear this for protection. DO NOT take it off, this is for your safety, kid!

Dipper gingerly placed it around his neck. He suddenly was surrounded in a gold aura, which gradually faded. Dipper gave himself a moment to let this all sink in.

He had just made a deal. With Bill Cipher. One thing was for certain:

He was not safe.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now