Stitching Together Artificial Fate

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Destiny's POV

"So, whaddya say?"

Destiny couldn't have imagined herself in a more awkward situation.

A magical demon kidnapped her, rooted her to his bed, and offered her a cup of tea. The one thing she wanted to do this summer was keep away the creepy magic weirdos that hung around Dipper.


He was dating...him. She was so close! Too close, damn it! But she wasn't fast enough. Some guy waltzed right in and made the move before she could.

And it was her fault. She was too scared to say anything. And her heart ached every time she thought about how stupid she'd been. But maybe there was still a chance. A small one, but a chance.

But she couldn't think about that right now. "Ugh, still milling about over that Dipper boy? He's no good, you know." Des' heart skipped a beat as she set down her tea. "How did you-" She was quickly interrupted(god, she hated that). "Know that? I've been keeping an eye on you. Oh! But if that's creepy, then, lucky guess?" Des pursed her lips. "Well, Edgar." She crossed her legs and hid her hands under her thighs, tapping her foot against the fresh buffed floors. "Why are you making this deal with me?"

"Ah you see, it's all about history. Have you ever heard of...the void?" Edgar enthusiastically smiled. To be honest, it kinda creeped Des out. "Um... no. And please, stop doing that. It's unnerving." Edgar's smile quickly morphed into a small smirk. "Right got it. Anyways, the Void is a source of unbelievable power. Anyone who controls it controls the very balance of existence. You help me get it, I help you win over that backstabbing boy you like." Backstabbing? "What do you mean, backstabbing? We weren't married or anything." Edgar frowned deeply.

"Ah well, it isn't his fault. He is being corrupted." What? Corrupted? Des was interested now. "...What do you mean?"
"It's so terrible! That boyfriend of his! He's abusive! And Dipper doesn't even know who he really is! Poor kid, really."
Des' eyes looked like they were going to pop out of there sockets, she almost knocked over her teacup. She instead pushed away from herself to the middle of the table with trembling hands. "Abusive? And what do you mean, Dipper doesn't know who he his?"

"That boyfriend, not human. He's a demon. I've observed him a lot, coaxing Dipper into letting him posses him, coaching him to act like he's normal. William isn't who you think he is." Edgar passed Des a well detailed drawing, depicting a triangle sporting a bowtie and cane, with a comical top hat. He looked ridiculous. "No way, I'm not messing with any shit having to do with the illuminati."

"Wha- No, damn it! That is one of the most powerful demons imaginable. Able to infiltrate dreams, create nightmares. He is chaos reincarnate. Bill Cipher, or, as you must commonly know him-"

It was Des' turn to interrupt. "William."

"Hey, you're smart!"

Des was more than angry. Des was furious! He was evil, and brainwashing Dipper! He doesn't even know what's happening to him...

Des clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white from the total loss of bloodflow. "And... if I make this deal... we can work to free Dipper?"

Edgar confidently held out his hand. Just say 'yes'".

Dipper couldn't be left like this, she was the only one who could help him!

Des was no longer tentative about her decision. She sealed the deal with a shake of her trembling hands. No going back now.

Eh, about 600 words. That'll do, right? Anyone who can get closest to guessing what happens next gets a shout out.

Falling from Grace, Insomniwolf

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now