Two can Keep a Secret if One of them is Dead

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By now, the sun was just peaking out from behind the horizon. The loud weeping off cicadas was annoying, and the leaves and grass was covered in few drops. Crickets hitched rides on Dipper's shoes, enjoying the humid weather.

Dipper trudged to the shack, rubbing at his eyes and repeatedly yawning, struggling to stay awake. Damn Bill keeping him awake for hours. Dipper pushed open the door to the shack, quickly bypassing Grunkle Stan and walking up the stairs to the attic. He didn't bother closing the door to his and Mabel's shared room as he flopped down onto his bed, kicking his shoes off. Dipper got to sleep almost immediately, his dreams strangely filled with triangles and this weird glowing blue light. Although it was weird, it was pleasant and calm. But then there was Mabel's voice. Calling out to him. Was something wrong? Dipper ran, on nothing, his footsteps kicking up stardust on a dark place. He had to get to her. To... save her. Suddenly, her voiced changed its pace, it got more urgent. She was worried.

She was scared.

Then, he woke up.

"Dipper, damn it, wake up!" Dipper shot up, looking at Mabel, her face crinkled in worry. "You've been sleeping all day, where were you last night? You weren't in your bed when I woke up, and your shoes are covered in mud." Dipper groggily shoved Mabel off of his bed. "I," He paused to yawn. "Was in the forest." Mabel frowned. "God, again Dipper? We can't keep track of you out there, ya know. And where did you get this?" Mabel pointed to the medallion around Dipper's neck. He covered it before Mabel could make out what it was.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." A light dusting of pink made it's way to Dipper's cheeks. It was frustrating to keep secrets from Mabel, and they promised not to.

A grin slowly split Mabel's face in half. "Ah! You went to see somebody! They gave you gifts! Was it a girl?" Mabel gasped loudly, taking in a large amount of air. "Was it a guy? Oh my god, Dipper's in lo-" Dipper covered Mabel's mouth with his hand. "You. Will not. Say a word to Grunkle Stan. Got it?" Dipper realized during Mabel's rant that this was the only way out of it. He has to pretend he someone. Dipper suppressed a shudder. There was NOBODY in or around Gravity Falls suitable for that position. He could make specifics later. After all,

He couldn't say it was Bill.

Mabel nodded quickly. "Now, when I move my hand, you will not scream. Understood?" She nodded once more. Dipper removed his hand, and immediately following was a high pitched scream.

Damn it, Mabel.
Okay, an incredibly short chapter has been put up for you guys. Remember, for more, just ask.

[DISCONTINUED]Revival of the Void (A BillDip Story)Where stories live. Discover now