Chapter 1

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"So we're not gonna talk about what just happened.?" Zac asked

"I wanted to talk then but you didn't.!" Fatima said as she started putting the groceries up

"Can you stop for a minute to have this conversation.!" Zac said

"And why should I.? You really don't owe me anything I just don't like looking stupid-

"That's not what I'm trying to do-

"Are you sure because in that moment with those girls looking at me up and down and finding out you were just fucking your ex.!" Fatima said as she turn around

"It wasn't supposed to be like that-

"But it was like that. You didn't see the way she was glowing thinking and talking about you and then there you were with me, well I thought-

"No no, I am with you-

"After you were with her, I'm not someone after thought or a rebound girl Zac you could've at least told me.!" Fatima said

"I didn't know how-

"And me finding out you fuck your ex two days ago in front of my boss, her friend while I'm getting nasty looks was better.?" Fatima ask

"I didn't mean for that to happen-

"It doesn't matter it did and im the realist bitch you'll ever know and all I ask was for honesty and you couldn't even do that.!" Fatima said and she really felt like a fool yes they wasn't technically together but she glorifying him and see a good man in him, just for him to do her like this.

"And I'm sorry I'm truly am I just went over there to talk and to end things and things got carried away. That's why we haven't had sex, I didn't want to touch you knowing that I been with Karen. Look I'm not saying what I did wasn't wrong and I should've told you but I thought if I did then you wouldn't want us to continue.!" Zac said

" Exactly.!" Fatima said as she folded her arms

"Come on don't do that.!" Zac said as he tried to reach out but she pulled away

"Don't touch me.!" Fatima said

"You have every right to feel some kind of way but please just give me a chance.!" Zac said


"No please.!" Zac said

"Zac I think you need to leave.!" Fatima said

"No come on Fatima-

"I'm serious I need time to think.!" Fatima said and Zac nod his head

"Can I at least come by tomorrow-

"Yeah to get your things.!" Fatima said

"Are we really doing this.?" Zac ask

"It's not a We it's a you. Zac, you put yourself in this position not me. Look it was fun while it lasted and you can keep the company car and when you get your money from the first house buy you a house or an apartment to live-

"Fatima please just-

"Leave my key please.!" Fatima said as she walked out the kitchen and into her bedroom

Zac cuss his self out because he did this and he didn't know how he was going to win her back. He really just mess up a very good thing, Fatima has been amazing ever since she almost hit him with her car and she saw something different in Zac. Hell Zac even started believing in hisself all because of her. He needed to get his shit together because he knows he want her and all of her.


"Did you know.?" Karen ask as they were driving

"Of course not.!" Andi said

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