Chapter 13

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"You're late.!" Madam said as Fatima walk into her office

"Like always.!" Blue said and Fatima rolled her eyes

"I woke up late.!" Fatima said

"And you push us back-

"Well I'm here for Madam not you.!" Fatima said

"Don't matter, we have other plans then to wait on you.!" Blue said

"If I were a hour late or even two hours late, Madam knows better to even start anything without me if it's involving me can't say the same about you.!" Fatima said

"What rock have you been living under.?" Blue ask

"Why the help talking to me.?" Fatima ask Madam

"The help.?" Blue ask

"I didn't stutter.!" Fatima said

"Says the unemployed.!" Blue said

"I rather be unemployed than a lapdog and you can't even do that right.!" Fatima said

"I'm Madam second hand man, I'm no body lapdog-

"Besides Madam.!" Fatima said

"Why she's even here.?" Blue ask

"And why she's speaking without permission.?" Fatima ask

"Can you guys stop for one minute.?" Madam ask

"No get your puppet-

"One more insult-

"What you gonna do.?" Fatima ask

"Madam.... Ohh I see you have company.!" Diamond said as she look Fatima up and down

"What is it.?" Madam ask

"Midnight has arrived.!" Diamond said

"Midnight.? I didn't know you still do business with him.!" Fatima said

"A lot has change since you left.!" Diamond said with an attitude

"But I can still see not much.!" Fatima said as she flip her hair over her shoulder

"I know that body anywhere.!" Midnight said as he enter Madam office passing Diamond

"A body you could never get.!" Fatima said as she turn around

"Wassup ma long time no see.!" Midnight said as him and Fatima hug

"Oh my God it's good to see you.!" Fatima said

"Is this a meet and greets.?" Diamond ask

"Nope but you not needed anymore.!" Fatima said

"You can't dismiss me.!" Diamond said

"I just did.!" Fatima said and she look at Madam

"Go make sure the dj booth is ready for tonight.!" Madam said

"It is.!" Diamond said

"Go check again.!" Madam said and Diamond rolled her eyes and left out of her office

"You still causing hell.!" Midnight said

"Nah my appearance does that.!" Fatima said laughing making Blue roll her eyes

"I didn't know you were back in business.!" Midnight said

"I'm not.!" Fatima said looking at Madam weird

"Then why are you here.?" Blue ask

"I don't answer to you.!" Fatima said back

"Everyone have a seat.!" Madam said as Mifnight took a seat but Fatima remained standing

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