Chapter 2

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"Whats wrong.?" Hayden ask coming into Fatima office

"Hayden what do you want.?" Fatima ask

"I just wanted to check up on my lady you havent been the same." Hayden said

"First im not your lady and two im fine thanks." Fatima said

'Alright what did he do.?" Hayden ask

"Excuse me.?" Fatima ask

"What did the convict do.?" Hayden ask

"Please leave my office." Fatima said

"What Im just having a simple conversation." Hayden said

"A conversation that I dont want to have." Fatima said

"Well let me take you out so you can forget about him." Hayden said

"That will never happened." Fatima said

"And why not.? I thought-

"Thought nothing it was one night and thats all." Fatima said

"What you didnt have a good time.? Every since that convict same along you been acting real different." Hayden said

"One he got a name and two dont try to make it seem like we were dating or something. It was one night and one date thats it thats all." Fatima said

"Well it could be more." Hayden said

"Are you not listening to me.?" Fatima ask

"So its just fuck me.?" Hayden ask

"Hayden we are friends nothing more and im starting to regret that decision." Fatima said

"Come on dont do me like that and over him have you seen his recored.?" Hayden ask

"Everyone have a story who am I to judge.!" Fatima said

"Ohh I see." Hayden said

"See what.?" Fatima ask

"That you like those bad boys it run though the family." Hayden said

"You dont know what your talking about or shit about my family." Fatima said

"Well I know you like getting your heart broken-

"Hayden I swear." Fatima said

"What im serious, you got a great guy.. me ready to give you everything that you want. Marriage, kids-

"And who said I wanted those things Hayden.?" Fatima ask as she close the paperwork that she was working on

"Any female your age is looking for marriage-

"Then please go find her and leave me alone." Fatima said

"So that nigga got you like that.?" Hayden ask

"Hayden please leave me alone." Fatima said

"No seriously why not me.?" Hayden ask

"For multiple reason." Fatima said

"Name them." Hayden said

"Why cant you just accept that im just not into you.?" Fatima ask

"Couldnt be, gotta be something else... You got a real man waiting for you-

"Well can you wait in the waiting room and leave me alone. Because me and you will never happened like ever." Fatima said

"So you really dont want me.?" Hayden ask

"No, I dont want you and I told you this before." Fatima said

"Yeah but I thought you were playing. So now you got a fresh jail bird toy to play with you just kicking me out to the curb.?" Hayden ask

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