Chapter 3

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"Zac what the hell are you doing here again.?" Danni ask as she open her apartment door and seen Zac and Preston talking

"Dont worry im not staying." Zac said

"Mhm where your going.? You look nice." Danni said

"Thank you and you only want to know so you can go tell Karen." Zac said

"She wouldn't do that." Preston said

"Then you dont know your woman." Zac said

"Im not going to tell her, we havent been speaking much once she found out you been sleeping on my couch." Danni said

"Well you can tell her that im not anymore." Zac said

"Where you staying at.?" Preston ask

"I got a cheap hotel." Zac said

"Mhm why you didnt show up for work today huh.?" Danni ask

"Why is that your business.?" Zac ask

"Because im just making sure you're not out here being stupid." Danni said

"Thanks for fake caring." Zac said

"Look, Karen my girl and all but you gotta be straight too." Danni said

"And I am and to answer your question, I called out because I had to work on a new project. And doing those project is bringing me more money then working at the airport but dont worry, im doing a double tomorrow to make up today." Zac said

"Why you home early.?" Preston ask

"Slow and plus I need a shower, the girls is meeting up at Sabrina." Danni said

"Are you free tomorrow.?" Preston ask

"No, I thought you be hanging around little head so I pick up a shift-

"Come on Danni-

"Im sorry, I should've ask but you know this is still all so new to me. Im use to picking up shift because I was single-

"But you not anymore." Preston said

"Put that foot down thats what im talking about." Zac said

"Aint you in enough trouble with both of your ladies.?" Danni ask

"One I dont have a lady and two im working on getting her back." Zac said

"Which one.?" Danni ask

"Haha very funny and its not your friend." Zac said

"So you guys are really over.?" Danni ask

"Yes, im done.!" Zac said

"See you dont even believe that." Danni said

"I dont know how else I can make it even more clear to you or your little sistas circle but me and Karen are done." Zac said

"Well shit, can you just fuck her one more time I had a deal and Zac your fucking me up." Danni said

"Sorry but I didnt tell you to bet on my love life, like who does that.?" Zac ask

"Anyone thats been place in the middle of a circuit alright." Danni said

"Well you can kiss that money goodbye because I am not getting back with her." Zac said

"Alright man damn.!" Danni said

"Plus they're no good for each other." Preston said

"Thank you." Zac said

"Yeah I know.!" Danni said

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