Chapter 21

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"Why everyone rushing.?" Zac ask


"Right now is not the time.!" Madam father said

"Whats going on.?" Zac ask

"Fuck.!" Fatima father yelled

"Where's Fatima.?" Zac ask but nobody is answering him

"I know I mess up bad but why didn't yall let me go with her.?" Madam ask

"Little girl you are working my nerves, if you would've opened your mouth and not your legs we wouldn't have been put into this situation. Let us handle this and sit the fuck down NOW,!" Madam mother yelled

"And don't you even think about leaving this damn house you cause enough trouble.!" Fatima mother said and then the door bell rang and guards went running to the door

"I came as soon as I could.!" A man said he was in a white coat and had glasses on

"Dr. You can set up this way they should be here in any moment.!" Fatima father said as they rush to the study. Zac saw three other people running inside the house carrying large equipment, he turn around and saw Fatima mother praying

"Mrs. Wilson what's going on.!" Zac ask walking up to her

"Nothing for you to worry about.!" Fatima mother said

"If this got anything to do with Fatima then I do, she hasn't been here for two hours and I can put the pieces together but I rather someone tell me before I start freaking out.!" Zac said

"She got shot.!" Madam blurted out

"Madam.!" Madam mother said

"He needed to know, he loves her just like we do.!" Madam said

"What.?" Zac ask he understood but it wasn't clicking in his head

"She went to a meeting by herself-

"AND YALL LET HER.?" Zac ask

"It was all part of the plan-

"What to let her die.?" Zac ask

"You just came into the picture so you don't know how this work but we will never send Fatima alone, Midnight and Blue was with her. Plus we didn't have a choice we needed to clean up this mess.!" Fatima mother said

"Everyone just calm down.!" Madam mother said

"Calm down.? Calm down.?" Zac ask


"No you just told me that she's been shot, what the fuck are we waiting for.?" Zac ask as he ran upstairs to get his jacket

"Why you would you tell him.?" Madam mother ask

"Cause he needed to know-

"Did you see the look on that man face are you trying to have more bodies drop.?" Fatima mother ask

"Until everyone is dead.!" Madam said

"That's not how this work, that's how you got yourself into this situation in the first place, you gotta stop Madam.!" Her mother said

"And I am-

"When.?" Fatima mother ask

"I'm done.!" Madam said as she nod her head

"It took for Fatima to get shot for you to stop.? Madam life is bigger then you-

"I know moma I know.!" Madam said as she sat down putting her hand over her head

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