Chapter 15

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"Ms Wilson do you know why you're here.?" A detective ask as he walk into the room with another lady but Fatima remain silent

"I'm detective Marsh and this is my partner detective Snow.!" Marsh said she look a bit young to be a detective to Fatima, she definitely made a note to check into her

"We have insight that you are mix up in some very bad things.!" Detective Snow said and Fatima chuckled

"Is something funny.?" Detective Marsh asked

"Yeah and it's called Lawyer.!" Fatima said

"We're trying to help you, once we leave this room we cannot do that.!" Detective Snow said

"Help me with what.?" Fatima ask

"Where were you let's say between 7pm to midnight last night.!" Detective Snow ask

"Minding my business.!" Fatima said

"Is that how you got that cut on your face.?" Detective Marsh ask

"What is this about.? Cause I already ask for a lawyer so now you guys are taken advantage of my amendment.!" Fatima said

"Ohh yeah, I forgot to tell you, we got a smart one on our hands.!" Detective Snow said to his partner

"Is that so.?" Detective Marsh ask

"Yep graduated at the top of her class, went to law school made it 90 percent then poof she disappeared.! What happened couldn't keep up.?" Detective Snow ask

"I'm sure my education is not why you guys brought me here so stop the bullshit and leave this room before you have a law suit on the department cause I could've sworn I ask for a lawyer.!" Fatima said

"Don't go down for this-

"Haha.! If you think imma spend even 30 minutes in a cell you highly mistaken and need your badge taken, white man you did your research so you know I'm not buffing.!" Fatima said

"You think you're untouchable.?" Detective Marsh ask

"Girl you probably doesn't even know law enforcement rule book that alone you trying to question me. I can smell you fresh outta the academy so who you fuck for this job.?" Fatima ask

"You don't know shit about me-

"Mhm did I hit a nerve.? Truth be speaking so loud, and I only ask a question.!" Fatima said

"I counted 10 whole minutes of an illegal interrogation because I know my client ask for a lawyer.!" Ralph said as he enter the room and Fatima rolled her eyes she should've known

"We were just leaving-

"And so is my client-

"No she's under arrest.!" Detective Snow said

"On what charges.?" Ralph ask

"Stealing from the White House-

"Which is above your pay grade so you tell them high necks that's sitting behind this glass window to come talk or my client walk regardless and I was told you guys doesn't even have evidence to support your claim so this feel like an unrighteousness arrest if you ask me.!" Ralph said

"We have her leaving her building-

"Which is not a crime.!" Ralph said

"And she wouldn't tell us her whereabouts.!" Detective Marsh said

"My client has the right to remain silent did we forget my client amendments.?" Ralph ask

"Don't try that bullshit on us.!"Detective Snow said

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