Chapter 10

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"Just hear her out.!" Sabrina said

"And why would I do that.?" Fatima ask

"Told y'all she wasn't going for it.!" Danni said

"Please don't act like you know me.!" Fatima said

"I'm trying to be nice here especially after last night.!" Danni said

"Umh you deserve everything that I said plus I wasn't lying.!" Fatima said

"Fatima she wanted to talk to you.!" AndI said

"About what.?" Fatima ask

"Please don't act dumb.!" Karen said

"I'm not I'll just leave it up to your little friend group.!" Fatima said

"You don't know me enough to insult me.!" Sabrina said

"And I don't care to, every time y'all around it's mess and drama-

"That your man cause.!" Andi said

"That's a lie, we literally mind our business-

"But you had the nerves to blurt out mines.!" Karen said

"You should've left me alone and your feelings wouldn't have gotten hurt.!" Fatima said

"Look, we honestly didn't come here for drama alright.!" Danni said

"So why do she wanna talk to me.!" Fatima said pointing to Karen

"Because she's a woman as well, can you at least give her that.!" Sabrina said and Fatima sigh she doesn't even know why she's still standing here

"Fine but one insult I'm not gonna care if she's pregnant or not.!" Fatima said

"Are you threaten me Fatima.?" Karen ask as she folded her arms

"Oh God no, that was a promise.!" Fatima said

"I wish the fuck-

"Everyone calm down-

"So you took my flowers so I can have a conversation with a person that clearly doesn't like nor respect me.?" Fatima ask

"You just threatened her.!" Sabrina said

"It wasn't a threat-

"Please everyone, Fatima just five minutes.!" Andi said

"Fine what is it.?" Fatima ask

"Have a seat.!" Andi said

"I'll stand." Fatima said

"He told you.?" Karen ask

"About.?" Fatima ask

"The baby." Karen said

"Of course." Fatima said

"And your next move is to tell my business.?" Karen ask

"Karen I dont care about your business, you been trying me every since you found out about me and Zac at the store." Fatima said

"So you guys together.?" Karen ask

"And what about it.?" Fatima ask

"And you were with him when we met.?" Karen ask

"No, I wasnt.... we weren't sleeping together at that time if that what you was asking." Fatima said

"So how did you guys meet.?" Karen ask

"Why.?" Fatima ask

"Cause this, as much as I dont wanna do this it gives me closure." Karen said

"We met at the program meeting, I encourage him to go into the program to better hisself." Fatima said

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