Chapter 11

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"Zac there's nobody here." Fatima said

"Come on.!" Zac said as he laugh a little and Fatima was hella confused, they pulled up to this small cute cafe that look like its been close for the night but Zac was making her get out of the car. Zac grab her hand and started walking to the door which was not lock and she walk in and he was right behind her. Zac walk in front of her and went behind a curtain and her eyes light up, there was candles everywhere with rose petals she was beyond surprise

"Aww Zac.!!" Fatima said

"You like it.?" Zac ask as he pulled her more into the room

"Omg I love it, wait why.?" Fatima ask

"Can I just do something nice for you.?" Zac ask

"Of course, come here." Fatima said as she grab his face and peck his lips, she didnt know what Karen was talking about but when she look at him she doesnt see a user. She see a man thats trying to overcome the old him and to become a better him.

"Come on.!" Zac said as he rush to pull out her chair which she gladly sat

"You did this for me.?" Fatima ask

"Of course." Zac said

"Thank you, really." Fatima said, Fatima been on many dates but this was the most thoughtful a guy done did. Fatima didn't know Zac was so romantic he surprise her almost everyday with the things he do and his mindset once he realize he could do anything

"I figure I'll close a spot down with no interruption since our dates always get mess up." Zac said

"Damn, im lost for words." Fatima said

"Is that a good thing.?" Zac ask

"Yeah it is." Fatima said

"Plus, I just wanted some alone time with my girl." Zac said making Fatima smile, as they talk their food was brought out. It was everything Fatima love when it comes to food and she was really empress she knew Zac listen to her but not like this and Fatima couldnt even think about the last time a guy actually paid attention to her inside and out

"So what about school.?" Zac said

"I was thinking about it." Fatima said

"You should since you quit your job." Zac said

"Yeah I do have free time on my hands now." Fatima said

"Dont think about it just go lawyer bae." Zac said

"What.?"Fatima ask as she chuckle

"Yeah, you'll be lawyer bae and I'll be realtor bae." Zac said

"Realtor Bae.?" Fatima ask

"Yeah the program inspired me to start a realtor business." Zac said

"What im so excited for you." Fatima said

"Really.? Its not a dumb idea.?" Zac ask

"Of course not, go for it." Fatima said and that made Zac feel good on the inside

"Okay, me and Jake is going into business. That was the other news I had to tell you." Zac said

"Jake, mhm okay so its 50/50.?" Fatima ask

"Of course, plus he'll be sending over some realtor courses so I can understand more and get the ball rolling." Zac said

"Shit, okay thats good that he's helping you out." Fatima said

"Yeah I was worried at first but I wanna take a leap of faith." Zac said

"You should, as long as you take your time, understand what you doing and really be serious about it, you can do it 100 percent." Fatima said as she pick up her wine glass and Zac just look at her

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