Chapter 20

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"Wilson glad you guys could make it.!" A man said

"And you are.?" Fatima ask

"I'm the mediator, making sure nothing goes wrong.!" The man said

"South side clear.!" Blue said through the head set

"Where's the president.?" Fatima ask

"Just running late but please sit.!" The man said and Fatima nod and took a seat so she could face the door. She look around and saw that it was only one exit and that was the way she came in

"Back clear as well.!" Midnight said through the head set

"I got two cars pulling up now.!" Blue said

"Three guys plus the president, shit Ralph is with him as well.!" Blue said

"Do we change the plan.?" Midnight ask

"No.!" Fatima said

"Excuse me.?" The man ask

"Mhm I didn't say anything.!" Fatima said and then the door opened and in walk the president with three other guys and Ralph

"Okay since everyone is here should we get started.?" The man said

"Actually no.!" Fatima said

"Is there a problem.?" The man asked

"We said no security-

"If you thought I was gonna come here with no back up you crazy.!" The president said

"Well there's no reason for me to be here.!" Fatima said as she grab her suitcase and got up

"You can't be serious.!" The president said and Fatima said nothing

"Look she's doesn't have security, so have them wait outside.!" Ralph said and the president sigh and waved his hand and his guard went outside. Fatima sat back down and crossed her legs and so did the president and Ralph

"Someone speak.!" Fatima said

"Well we all know why we're here.!" The president said

"No please enlighten me.!" Fatima said

"You took a painting from me and I want it back.!" The president said

"And who said I took anything.?" Fatima ask

"We got you on camera-

"Mhm did you though.?" Fatima ask

"Cut the bullshit where Madam.?" Ralph ask

"Why.?" Fatima ask

"She also had a hand in stealing the paintings.!" The president said

"And who's given you this information.?" Fatima ask

"Sorry we're late.!" Detective Snow said as he walk in with Marsh

"Look who we have here.!" Detective Marsh said

"What miss me already you can't stay away.?" Fatima ask

"In your dream.!" Detective Marsh said

"That's enough I didn't come here for that-

"Why did you call this meeting.?" Fatima ask

"Just let me know when.!" Blue said

"Like I said I gotten information-

"Yeah, yeah we're past that look I'm here to do business that's it that's all. I don't know anything about a painting nor do I give a fuck.!" Fatima said

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