Chapter 16

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"Daddy what are you doing here.?" Fatima ask

"I got a call.!" He man said as he step down the stairs "That my daughter has been arrested and when I sent our lawyer you were nowhere to be found.!" He said

"Omg what happened to your face.?" The lady ask

"Moma I'm fine.!" Fatima said

"What the fuck were you guys fighting for.?" The other guy said

"Daddy she hit me-

"Imma hit you again if you don't tell the truth.!" Fatima said but her mother grab her arm

"Marilyn.!" The other lady said


"She had us working for Ralph.!" Fatima said

"I know you didn't.!" Midnight said cause he was baffle

"Midnight what are you doing here.?" Fatima father ask

"Madam sent for me and Fatima to help her out on the job, that's why Fatima got that cut on her face-

"Shut up Midnight.!" Fatima said

"What kind of job was it.?" Fatima mother ask as she look at her daughter face but Fatima look at Madam

"Little girls y'all better start talking.!" Madam mother said

"One of our guys without permission took a job from Ralph, he needed up fucking-

" Language.!" Fatima mother yelled

"He ended up messing up the job, and Ralph felt like it was my responsibility to pay for it.!" Madam said

"The job now.!" Madam father said

"We had to steal a painting from the White House-


"That was you guys.?" Fatima father ask

"If it was for Ralph I wouldn't have done it.!" Fatima said

"This is bad, you guys started a war. And Madam you know Ralph is gonna leave you high and dry.!" Madam Father said

"Why.?" Fatima father ask

"Cause the president is going to do a trade with the Russian and with that trade it'll be stepping over Ralph territory.!" Fatima said

"So he wanted to send a message but Ralph wanted something else, the picture was to only get the president attention.!" Madam said

"Ohh well good job with that.!" Madam mother said

"We got calls coming all in the middle of the night about what happened at the White House, and to figure it was you guys.!" Fatima mother said shaking her head

"Blue you had a hand in this.?" Madam mother ask

"Only to help Madam out.!" Blue said

"Snitch.!" Madam said

"Who you.?" Fatima father ask Zac

"Yeah, Fatima who's that.?" Madam ask

"I must aint beat your ass good enough-

"Girl I let you win, cause I understand that I was wrong but I save your life that night.!" Madam said

"Only cause you didn't follow the plan-

"You didn't have your weapon and you let him beat your ass-

"He hit Fatima.?" Fatima father ask as they all pull out their weapon and Fatima ran in front of Zac

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