Chapter 5

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"Hayden what are you doing here.?" Fatima ask

"You really on a date with this criminal.?" Hayden ask

"Man chill out with all that." Zac said

"Im not taking to you." Hayden said

"Hayden can you please leave us alone." Fatima said

"So you really choosing him over me.?" Hayden ask

"Can we please just take our food and go.?" Fatima ask

"Yeah." Zac said as he help her up

"Fatima im not done talking to you." Hayden said

"There's nothing to talk about." Fatima said

"Alright then, dude let me holla at you for a second." Hayden said towards Zac

"We have nothing to talk about." Zac said

"Remember what I said." Hayden said

"Whats he talking about.?" Fatima ask

"This low life threaten me because some of the guys told him that you came and saw me a couple of weeks ago." Zac said

"Really Hayden.?" Fatima ask

"Thats a lie." Hayden said

"Dude what I gotta lie for.? You see where she's at." Zac said

"Not for long." Hayden said

"Hayden grew up and get a life." Fatima said

"Lets go.!" Zac said and Fatima grab their food and left Hayden standing there

"This isn't over Fatima." Hayden called out

"Yo, what is wrong with that dude.?" Zac ask Fatima once they made it to his car

"I honesty dont know." Fatima said

"So.?" Zac ask

"So what.?" Fatima ask

"You not gonna tell me what thats about.?" Zac ask

"Is there a reason.?" Fatima ask

"Wow so I told you about Karen-

"Time out I know you're not trying to compare your situation to Hayden.? Zac im not fucking him like you were fucking Karen." Fatima said

"You sure.?" Zac ask

"Are you questioning me.?" Fatima ask

"What else do you want me to do.? First he came at me sideways then the guys at work telling me this and that and how this." Zac said

"Can you unlock the door." Fatima said as she goes to the passenger side and waited for him to unlock the door

"No answer.?" Zac ask and Fatima just stared at him and then he nod his head and unlock the door

"So I gotta tell you about my past and history but you dont.?" Zac ask once he got into the car

"Im not fucking him, so my history with him doesnt matter-

"But my history with Karen does.?" Zac ask as he took off

"I dont know what part of im not fucking him dont you get. You were fucking your ex-

"So he's your ex.?" Zac ask

"Hell no-

"So whats the history.?" Zac ask

"Im only telling you this because you ask but its not your fucking business. Me and Hayden went out once and we had sex once-

"On the first date.?" Zac ask and Fatima felt judgement

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