Chapter 14

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"Blue can you hear us.?" Madam ask through her headset

"All clear." Blue said

"Midnight.?" Madam ask

"Walking into the building now, I have eyes on you far right." Midnight said

"Fatima.?" Madam ask

"Coming down the stairs now." Fatima said as she stop for a minute to take her heels off so she could walk better. Once they were on the plane they set their plan in motion, Fatima were to steal the painting and meet Madam in the basement once she was done planting the bugs. Midnight was the look out from the inside and once ready he will pull the alarm and Blue was the look out from the outside which she would keep the car running

"Guys we have only 20 minutes they check every 30, so lets be smooth and lets be quick." Madam said. Fatima made sure that both ways were in the clear before she made her move, they were just in time for the guard to switch position. Fatima gave a signal and she was able to get into the room with no problems

"I'm in." Fatima said

"Hide a guard coming your way.!" Midnight said

"Shit.!" Fatima said as she rushed to get under the desk just as the door opened. The guard did a quick scan and exit the room

"Fatima are you okay.?" Madam ask

"Yeah I'm fine.!" Fatima said

"Okay get the painting and get outta there.!" Madam said

"Madam are you done with the bugs.?" Midnight ask

"Give me 5 more minutes, Fatima.?" Madam called out

"I'm getting the painting now.!" Fatima said, she carefully took the painting from the wall it really was an ugly picture to her.

"I'm ready.!" Fatima said

"Midnight now.!" Madam ordered as she made her way back to the basement. She heard the alarm going off and quickly look around to see everyone rushing out of the White House. Fatima quickly ran down the hall and grab her heels and made her way towards the basement.

"What took so long.?" Madam ask

"You try running in heels.!" Fatima said as she pass Madam the painting

"Let's go.!" Madam said as she hide the painting behind some boxes

"So are you gonna tell me who we just did this job for.?" Fatima ask

"Less information the better.!" Madam said

"Midnight.!" Madam called

"Stay put I'll tell you when to come.!" Midnight said as he watch firefighters run into the White House.

"Let's get closer-

"Midnight said keep put.!" Fatima said but Madam was already leaving, and this is why she doesn't do jobs with Madam anymore cause she doesn't listen and more bodies end up dead.

"Shit.!" Fatima said as she pull her hair up into a ponytail

"Hey you, what are you doing down here.?" A guard asked Madam

"I got lost.!" Madam said

"We have a prob-

Fatima snuck up behind the guard and tase him in the neck and down he went

"Damn Fatima.!" Madam said

"Bitch you didn't follow the plan you never do.!" Fatima said

"Shit we gotta move him.!" Madam said

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