Chapter 19

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"Don't tell me you can't swim.!" Fatima said towards Zac

"I didn't say that, I just said it'll be better for me to sit on the edge that's all.!" Zac said

"That's code for I can't swim.!" Fatima said

"I grew up in Atlanta there were no reason for me to learn.!" Zac said

"Oh please-

"You know most people don't know how to swim.!" Madam said as she jump into the pool

"Is she supposed to be doing that in her condition.?" Zac ask

"She's pregnant not handicap.!" Fatima chuckle

"So I'm guessing the meeting with your father last night went well.!" Zac said as Fatima swim over to him

"Mhm you can say that, he's upset not at me though well just a little bit.!" Fatima said

"Yeah and he's trigger happy, the fuck made him so 50/50.?" Zac ask

"What.? What you mean.?" Fatima ask

"One minute he's cool the next he's reaching for his gun.!" Zac said

"Mhm that's just him-

"That's not healthy.!" Zac said

"Relax.!" Fatima said

"I'm glad you didn't get that from him, it's bad enough you look like him.!" Zac said which made Fatima laugh

"Oh shut up.!" Fatima said as she splashed him with the water

"Girl you better stop, before I go tell your moma.!" Zac said

"Oh y'all bestie now.?" Fatima ask

"Yep she made me breakfast.!" Zac said

"You eat what my momma made all the time.!" Fatima said and Zac took off his sunglasses

"You better stop playing, ion care who's around.!" Zac said

"Eww yall should.!" Madam said as she gets out the pool

"Please you said worse hell I even caught you before.!" Fatima said

"What ever imma go get me a snack.!" Madam said

"Baby working over time.!" Zac said and once Madam pass by she slap the back of his head

"I heard that.!" Madam said walking away

"I done told you to stop playing.!" Fatima said

"Damn she's not even three months and the mood swings is crazy.!" Zac said

"It'll be like that.!" Fatima said

"What about you.?" Zac ask

"I'm not pregnant if that's what you asking.!" Fatima said

"No but since we are on the subject you ever thought about having a baby.?" Zac ask and Fatima went up and sat on the edge with Zac

"Mhm when I was little I wanted a family a big ass family, but ever since you know..... I never gave it a thought.!" Fatima said

"What about now.?" Zac ask

"Zac we are not ready for a baby-

"I'm not talking about now, I'm talking about in the future.!" Zac said

"Maybe when I get that ring.!" Fatima said

"It's coming.!" Zac said

"Lol it's that's supposed to impress me.?" Fatima ask

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