Chapter 18

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"Karen we been here for 20 minutes get what you want so we can go.!" Danni said, the girls all decided to go to California for their mini vacation. The plane ride was chill and now they were in the mall shopping

"I can't decide.!" Karen said

"Then get both.!" Andi said, they were in the baby section

"These are so cute.!" Sabrina said as she pulls a small hat out

"What you having baby fever now.?" Andi ask

"A little-

"No one at a time, I can't deal with two.!" Danni said making the girls laugh

"Relax, I know I'm not ready.!" Sabrina said

"I wasn't but life been put into perspective.!" Karen said

"She means she wants to be married first.!" Danni said

"Shut up Danni.!" Andi said

"You gonna stop playing with me.!" Karen said, they shop and ate at the mall food court and then the girls shop around some more and ended up at another baby store

"You ain't get enough.?" Danni ask

"Look, this baby will have style.!" Karen said and then they heard laughing coming from the back of the store

"Zac stop.!" They heard along with other laughing

"You don't think this will be cute.?" Zac ask

"Hell no.!"

"Don't.!" Danni said

"I know that's not who I think it is.!" Karen said

"It might not be, what are the odds they're here as well.!" Sabrina said

"Let's go see-

"See this is why I don't come around it always ends up in shit.!" Danni said cutting Andi off

"Right, this supposed to be a good vacation-

"But he's here with that bitch in a baby store hell nah.!" Karen said as she begins to walk

"Let's go.!" Andi said following behind her

"Zac stop.!" Fatima said laughing, she was in the baby store to grab Madam some things she wanted her to know that she wasn't alone

"Who this for anyways.?" Zac asked

"Just pick out a shirt.!" Fatima said

"Aww it's so little.!" Zac said and Fatima look at him in such an adorable way

"What about-

"Zac stop playing.!" Fatima said yeah she knew she's gonna be doing the shopping for their baby

"Yah you don't have to buy any clothes when it's our time.!" Fatima said as she chuckled

"Zac.!" Karen said and they both rolled their eyes and smiled gone, Fatima turn around and stood beside Zac

"Karen what are you doing here.?" Zac ask

"I can ask you the same thing.!" Karen said

"What's taken.... Ohh wassup Zac.!" Preston said and Zac wave his hand

"It's crazy seeing you here at a baby store in a new state.!" Karen said

"Everyone deserves a vacation.!" Zac said

"And that's what we are doing.!" Sabrina said

"You're pregnant.?" Danni ask Fatima

"That's nobody business.!" Fatima said

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