Chapter 16 - Doggy Date

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"Start off on the G string"
he plucks to the nicest one-note melody i've ever heard

"You think you could do that?"

I stare awkwardly down at my brand new guitar. I try to mimick his hand placements and pluck my first note


he laughs
and I smile embarassed

"did you tune it?"
"you do know how to tune a guitar right?"
He takes the guitar from my hands and I guess tunes it for me
"It should be fine now" he says.
"Now repeat after me, it's just a simple sequence. dun dun dun du-dun"
I repeat his sequence not as elegantly and confidently as him
"You're definitely getting the hang of it!"
"Luka... be honest with me i'm horrible. I'm probablly wasting you're time."

I always knew I was smart but not in this sense. I'm great at writing and science and good at math besides calculus. Growing up as an only child in a low-income family really put the pressure on me to work as hard as I humanly can, some may even say i'm an overacheiver. When it comes to playing an instrument, something about it just doesn't click with me. I low-key hate it and I was embarassed to tell Luka

"Please don't sat that, I love teaching people so it's totally fine! Y'know every great muscisian had a start. C'mon let's take it from the top."

A wave of guilt entered my body. Was this even right? I feel like im lying right to Luka's face. Am really I pretending to be interested just for my own petty desires?? I had to come up with a plan. I'll keep this up for a while, just until I can get closer to him. Then eventually hopefully we could hang out like real.. friends.

I put on a huge smile

"Thank you so much! You really are such a lifesaver. Now let's get back to work, no time to loose."
"That's the spirit, Marinette!" I saw how his face lit up when he said that

For the next two hours I carefully listened to what he had to say even while taking notes. He was super pateint and polite.
"uh- so.. how long have you been playing? Just curious"
"Thanks for asking. About since I was 7 my dad really helped me fall in love with it. Ever since my parents split up.. I guess it helped me cope."
"Oh wow, so you really have a connection with this stuff huh."
"It's a fun hobby but my true passion is medicine. I'd love to be veternarian I love working with animals, that's what i'm studying for right now"
"Aw! That's so cool. Y'know I always loved animals"
"You should come over some time to see our dog! He loves meeting new people."
"Oh my god really?! That would be amazing"
He suddenly he looked at his watch
"Woah the time flew bye I need to get going"
"I didn't even realize! It was sooo so much fun learning from you! Really!"
"Cool, glad to hear. i'll send you some photos of the dog some time later today. He's a old english dog named Koda"
"I caaaan't wait till you send them! haha"
we stare and smile at eachother
"Oh! I almost forgot" he says
He gets out his phone out his pocket.
"I made us a playlist on spotify, you have premium right?"
"....yeah I do. Luka you really didn't have to."
"Aw it's no problem really. I just thought since we both like music we could share some tunes. I'll send you the link."
"That's so sweet of you! Thanks so much" I scroll through the list, he only added four songs so far, "Oh of course! Jagged Stone! You know me so well hahaha"
"Yeah haha obviously I know you love him so I had to sneak that in there. It could be like a rememberance to how met."
"Aw! Stop it."
I put my hand over my mouth and kept looking away to hide the huge grin on my face.
"We should share buds some time"
"Yeah~ bye"
"Bye Marinette"

"And then he was like 'let's share buds sometime'"
"No way" Alya says putting her hands on her head
"Way" I reply
"Wait- did you really buy your own guitar just so he could teach you??"
I look away embarrassed
"That's so cute! You so like him! I'm so happy for you. Hey maybe now you could take Luka around on our double dates instead of having to tag along with Felix."
"Ohh hopefully someday In the future but we're not there yet. He seems so... pure Y'know what I mean? I'm not even sure he likes me maybe he's just a super nice person."
"I meaaan the way I'm reading it, a guy doesn't just give a girl a whole playlist, free private lessons, and invites her to her house just to be nice. He's making too much of an effort. OPEN your eyes Marinette."
"Uhh idk I'm not sure yet, we'll see how this plays out. Well I gotta go bye talk to you later."
"Byeee and stop being so gullible! And believe in yourself-"
"Yeah yeah, bye" I hang up the call.

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