Chapter Six

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*Gracie's POV*

Liam stopped driving in front of a huge flat so he could get changed. He led me into the house. In the car he had apologized in advance for his friends' behavior. Liam jogged up the steps to his room and I was greeted by a jumpy man with a mess of light brown hair.

"Hello, love! I'm the Sass masta from Doncasta!" He said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"But his mum calls him BooBear." Said another man with perfect hair and pouty brown eyes. "I'm Zayn." I shook his hand.

"I'm Gracie." I said smiling and laughing at their banter.

"Well hello beautiful." Harry said walking into the room and kissing my cheek. "I didn't think I was going to see you again."

"Hello Harold." I said, bringing dimples to his cheeks. I heard Liam cough from the stairs as he jogged down. I smiled at him yet I wanted to yell at him to get this creep away from me.

"Ready?" He said grabbing his keys. I nodded and he led me towards the door.

"Where are we eating?" I asked curiously.

"Nandos, if that's ok with you." I nodded excitedly.

"Wait! You can't go without me!" Yelled a blonde with an Irish accent. "I won't allow it!"

"Sorry Nialler. I'll bring you a doggy bag." Liam patted the boy's head gently. He seemed like the big brother of the group. He slowly walked back to the door, holding it open for me as he waved to his friends. Harry blew me a kiss and I ignored it.


"What'll you have?" a waitress said while chomping on her gum, impatiently waiting for my reply. She asked me first.

"Whatever he's having." I said to her as I handed her my menu.

"And you, sweety?" She said batting her eyelashes at Liam. He didn't even give her a sideways glance as he ordered the peri-peri. The waitress walked away, rolling her eyes. I could tell that she was trying to sway her hips more than natural to get his attention.

"Oh my God! Your L-liam Payne!" a girl squealed next to our table. She couldn't have been more than twelve years old with her out of control blonde curls.

"Yes I am sweetheart. What's your name?" He said smiling perfectly at her. She almost died.

"R-Rebecca. Can you sign this? Please!" Rebecca said holding out an Ipod touch and a sharpie.

"Why of course!" He quickly scrawled his name on it along with a note that said 'Love always, Liam :) xx' in his perfect handwriting. "How about a picture to?" She almost jumped out of her pants. She smiled from ear to ear.

"I''ll take it." I offered, grabbing the newly signed Ipod and pulling up the camera. I took several pictures of them. By the end of our little photo shoot, the little girl was blushing like a crazy person and her parents were smiling at her and telling her that it was time to go. Before she left, she whispered something in his ear. He blushed slightly and whispered something back to her. She laughed and we said goodbye. Before she left, she hugged me around the waist and then ran off to her parents.

*Liam's POV*

The little girl smiled hugely, these were the moments that I lived for. When people would be so happy to see me. Gracie carefully took pictures of us together. When we were finished and the Ipod was back in her possession she whispered in my ear, "Is she your girlfriend?" I felt myself blush a little bit at the thought.

"No, but maybe soon?" I whispered back as she smiled and ran off to her parents.

"What was that about?" Gracie said when the girl was back with her parents. She sucked on her straw that sat in her glass filled with Dr. Pepper.

"Oh, nothing." I said smiling at the table. Everything seemed so normal with her, she never made a big deal out of my fame and seemed to well, love me for me.


Hey guys!!! Haven't updated in a while!!! Sorry bout that!!! Leave your commmentssss!!!!!!!!! Love you guys!!! Steph

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