Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Which one looks better?" I said holding up two shirts. One of them was an Abercrombie and Fitch simple shirt and the other was one of Liam's button up plaid shirts. Liam was already dressed and sitting at the end of our bed.

I turned around and held them up as best as I could.

"I think you look amazing in anything. But I do love it when you wear my clothes." He said smiling cheekily.

I laughed and pulled his shirt on over my whit camisole. The doctor told me that I didn't have to wear the sling anymore but I have to be careful. Liam smiled as I got it on and rolled up the sleeves. I walked over to him and stood between his legs. I felt him put his hands on the back of my thighs. I ran my fingers through his perfectly gelled quiff.

"What perfume is that?" He asked as he looked up at me and kissing my neck. I remembered that his favorite was sitting broken on the floor in my apartment. "Is that Our Moment?" He said snickering. I felt him pull me up onto his lap.

"Maybe." He smiled that sweet smile and kissed my neck then along my jaw, making me moan quietly.

"Come on my mom will be waiting." I said, not wanting to stop. I got off of his lap and grabbed my purse. "Besides, I have a surprise for you when we get back." I said with a wink. He smiled as we left the house.


Liam and I stood in front of my parents house, listening to the distant ringing of the doorbell. It seemed like forever until mom opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Liam! So good to see ya again!" She said hugging him tightly. I heard him suck in a sharp breath as she squeezed the life out of him.

"Hello to you to mom." I said in an attempt to make her let go of poor Liam. She did let go and turned to hug me gently. Liam silently thanked me.

"Well come in you two!" She said excitedly. As I walked into the foyer, I noticed that yet again, she had redecorated and repainted the walls. It seems like she is never satisfied with keeping things in one place for more than a few months. "Gracie come help me in the kitchen." She said as soon as I got my shoes off. I sighed and kissed Liam's cheek before following my mother. "Liam, Paul is in the living room if you want to have 'men talk.'" She winked before pulling me into the kitchen.

"So, how many times have you and he...?" My mom asked casually as I chopped up some vegetables. I dropped the knife and felt it cut my finger.

"Ow!" I yelled. Before I knew it, Liam ran into the room, panting frantically.

"What happened!?" He said as he rises to my side.

"Nothing,the knife slipped that's all." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the sink. He turned the tap on and cleaned out the small cut. I winced but he pulled it out of the water and kissed it before my mom put a band aid on it.

"You didn't answer! How many times?" My mom said.

"How many times what?" Liam asked, expected a simple answer. Poor innocent Liam.

"You know, done it. The deed. The nasty." My mom said listing off the names. Liam's eyes bulges out of his head. He visibly blushed and he coughed.


After an agonizing hour, we made it through dinner. Avoiding all of the perverted questions and suggestive comments.

Except one question that made Liam and I think. "So are the two of you ever going to move in together?" My mom asked as we ate our dessert.

"Well we I pretty much live with the boys and Liam." I said between bites.

"No, I meant alone. I mean come on, you guys have been dating for awhile." My mom continued. I looked toward Liam who seemed to be deep in thought. We stared at each other for a while before anyone spoke.

"What do you think?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"I think we should give it a shot." I said with a smile. The idea of living with Liam without the other boys around. I love the boys but still, it would be nice to be alone for once.

"I think we should too." Liam said with a smile.


Im sorry that this is such an uninteresting chapter and its short. Love you guys!!


Ps!!! Me and Bay are thinking about doing some cowriting together..., so thoughts??? Xx.

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