Chapter Twenty

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*Liam's POV*

"Oh my God." I whispered as the sight registered in my mind. As it got darker, the fans brought out flashlights. They constantly shined them through our windows, trying to find us. Some of them proudly showed off their self made signs. All of which said horrible things about Gracie.

I'm happy. Why can't they just accept that? The fans had all been so upset when Danielle and I broke up and hated how upset I was. But I'm finally happy again and they can't see that!

"What's wrong?" Gracie said, concern in her voice.

"It's nothing." I said trying to eliminate the worry in my voice.

"Sure doesn't sound like nothing, Liam." I wasn't fooling anyone. She was right. Their chants were audible, even from up here. She put her hand on my shoulder, gently trying to move me out of the way.

"Gracie, trust me. It's nothing." I said trying to put a fake smile on my face. She still wasn't buying it. She gave me a look, one of her eyebrows raised and her head tilted.

"I don't believe you." She said stepping around me. I ran a hand through my hair as she peered through the blinds, the room went deadly silent.

*Gracie's POV*

I stepped around Liam. I could tell that he was keeping something from me, but not to be rude, to protect me. I admired him for that, but I needed to know. As I lifted the blinds enough to look through the slits. The sight outside was absolutely heart stopping.

Outside stood at least a hundred screaming girls, all of them decked out in their One Direction merchandise. They were equipped with flashlights and hand-made signs, all of which had to do with me. And all of which were insulting. I forced myself to not read them and pulled myself away from the window. Everyone stared at me, carefully analyzing my emotions. Even though my mind was racing and my heart was pounding, I kept the emotion out of my facial features. I didn't know what to say, but luckily I didn't get the chance.

Liam pulled me into his chest. I nestled my head into his chest as he held me against him. I heard everyone else looking through the window and their gasps as they read the signs. 

"I'm fine, really." I said when he gave me a questioning look. He raised an eyebrow. I imagined that I looked close to tears but I was determined to hide that feeling. I wasn't going to let the fans get to me. "I'm getting kinda tired." I said adding a fake yawn to make it slightly more believable. As if on cue the other's agreed. 

"You can come sleep with me. I mean uh- in my bed, next to me. I mean, damn." I heard Niall say to Syke behind me. Slowly the other boys went off to their bedrooms, I could hear Emily giggle as Harry led her away. I walked into Liam's room and slumped under the covers of his bed. He turned the light off and crawled into the other side. 

"Are you sure you're ok?" I nodded and leaned my head against his chest, cuddling closer to him. I felt his arms wrap around my torso as I drifted off, letting the emotional exhaustion take over. 


When I woke up , Liam was still fast asleep and sprawled out on the other side of the bed. I slowly pulled myself up and to the window to make sure the fans were gone. They were, although they had left their signs. Relieved, I walked down the stairs to find the house empty; everyone was still asleep. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels of the television. I didn't feel like eating anything, I don't know why. I stopped flipping channels when I heard my name. It was Celeb News of course.

"Last night was one heck of a night when it comes to drama! One Direction fans were crowded around the bands home in London. Why? According to their signs, to hate on Liam Payne's new girlfriend, Gracie Attaway. This teen has got most of the fans and press against her. A few weeks ago, she was seen being carried out of a party in the arms of Liam Payne after having far too much to drink. Early last night she was seen leaving her flat with two of her friends, who have yet to be identified, and Liam. The fans stayed all night long and even left their signs in the yard the next morning." They showed a picture of the fans in the yard holding up their signs and flashlights. "Later that night though, the boys went to twitter to support their friend Gracie." I didn't know they did that. They read off the tweets, showing the screenshots of them. 

@Harry_Styles: Gracie is a really great girl and you guys need to lay off. Liam is happy and we all love her. <3

@Zaynmalik: Why can't you guys except that he is happy with her? She's amazing and deserves better than to be given so much hate.

@NiallOfficial: We love Gracie and think that she is amazing so lay off?? Thanks x

@Louis_Tomlinson: Guys! Come on! Gracie is a great girl and she makes Liam happy so please just leave her alone!

@Real_Liam_Payne: Gracie may not be perfect but I love her with all my heart and she makes me happy. She doesn't deserve all the hell you guys are putting her through. Lay off!

"Liam took to twitter many times last night when fans replied to that first tweet."

@OneD_Gurl4eva: I don't know why you like her!! She's such a slut! Danielle was much better for you!! -_- @Real_Liam_Payne

@Real_Liam_Payne: I like her because she is an amazing girl and she loves me for me not for what I do. And she isn't a slut. And she isn't judgemental like you blokes.

"Liam quickly got touchy on the subject and refused to say anything else on the matter until a later date. You go Liam! We like Gracie to and hope that the two of them are very happy together in the future. Who knows maybe there will be a Payne-Attaway wedding in the future. We can hear the bells. Tweet us what you think and we will report back when more drama arises." The overly peppy reporter closed the program by plastering a pictuer of me and Liam cuddling on the couch that one of the boys had posted on Twitter. 

"It's true you know." Liam said from behind me making me jump. I put on a fake smile. "I do love you and you're a wonderful person no matter what they say." He said kissing my cheek. I really wanted to believe him but couldn't bring myself to. 


Hey guys!! Congratz to anyone who is graduating soon!!!! :D Love you guys!! :D 

Steph ♥

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