Chapter Twenty-Eight

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“The suspect wants to have a word with you.” I felt my jaw drop at Mr. Attaway’s words. I thought she was dead. Why would she want to talk to me?

“I thought she was dead.” I said after my thoughts had collected themselves. Gracie’s father shook his head. 

“The sergeant decided to not use lethal force. We knew that Gracie wasn’t going to be able to stand anymore and was in a lot of pain, so we did what was necessary to give us enough time to get Gracie to a safe location.” He said calmly. I could tell that there was a layer of concern for his daughter under the seriousness of his expression. 

I nodded taking that in. “What happened to the guy she was with?” I said, not wanting to talk about Danielle let alone see her. 

“Turns out, he’s a wanted criminal. Been avoiding the police for years now. He’ll be prosecuted for his past crimes along with-” he broke off and I heard him swollen. “This case.” He said keeping it professional. “We’ve been trying to break Danielle and get her to tell us everything, but she’s staying silent. She said that she’ll only start talking if you come talk with her.” My gaze turned to my shoes, I had no wish to see her.

“Look I know you don’t want to, but it’s the only way we can get any solid evidence on her.” He said sympathetically, putting a hand on my shoulder in a fatherly way. 

“You don’t have any proof?” I said in disbelief. 

“We have her on breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon, and a few other things, but I want her nailed for everything she’s put my little girl through.” He said with a serious look on his face. I nodded.

“What about those texts she got?” 

“The cell phone was burner so we have no proof that she was the one that sent them.” I sighed and nodded. He took a deep breath and continued. “I’ll give you a ride to the station if you want.” I nodded again as he led me out of the hospital. 

The boys gave me curious looks as we passed them, but I gave them a small smile to let them know that I was ok. 


“You have some good friends, you know.” Mr. Attaway said as he drove me to the police station. I looked at him from the passenger seat curiously as he kept his serious gaze on the road. 

“What do you mean?” 

“You didn’t know?” He said glancing at me before quickly turning his head back to the road. “When you left to find Gracie, they knew something was wrong, so they called the police and we were able to get there quickly.” I nodded. “You really do love her don’t you?” He said glancing at me again. 

“Yes sir, I do.” I said looking at him. He pulled into a parking lot in front of a large building and put it in park. He got out without saying another word and led me into the building. The secretary greeted him and he did the same, telling her that I was with him. 

Before I knew it, he was leading me down a small corridor. Policemen stood on either side of one door, looking straight forward. Mr. Attaway opened a door that was right next to the two officers and held it open for me. 

It was a dark room, that had little decor in it besides a computer. on one wall, was a one-way-mirror. I could see clearly through it but knew I couldn’t be seen. 

In the room I was looking into, was nothing but a table and two chairs. Sat in one of the chairs was Danielle, with her hands handcuffed behind her back. She was still in the clothes she had on earlier. She had a cold look in her eyes and I could see her jaw clenching. I was brought out of my thoughts by Mr. Attaway’s hand clamping onto my shoulder. 

“All you have to do is talk to her and find out what ever you can.” He said calmly. “It’s all for Gracie.” He reminded me. I knew that and I slowly nodded. “I’ll be watching from in here. You’re being recorded for evidence so don’t say anything you’ll regret.” He said in that intimidating tone of voice. He led me back to the door where the officer nodded and allowed Mr. Attaway to slide an I.D. card through the programed lock. He held it open for me and I walked in, thinking of what to say. 

Danielle’s face twisted into a devious grin. “Hello, Liam.” She purred. I didn’t reply as I leaned up against the wall that was across from the mirror. I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why the face?” She said pulling her mouth into a frown. I scoffed and that comment. 

“You know exactly why.” I snarled at her. “Why her? Why Gracie?” She shrugged her shoulders and I felt my blood start to boil. 

“You want to know why?” She said quietly, keeping her cool. “Because she loved you and you are mine. Always have been, always will be.” She said smiling cockily. 

“I was never your’s and I certainly am not now.” I said shaking my head. “Why can’t you just except the fact that I’m happy?” I said lowering my voice. 

“Because you’re not. How could you be with a girl like her?” She scoffed. 

“What do you mean? Compassionate, caring, loving?” I asked, sitting in the empty chair and leaning on the table. 

“No, I mean a whore and a drunk.” She snarled back at me. 

“And you did a marvelous job of making people believe that didn’t you?” She gave me an innocent look. “Come on, don’t play innocent. What was it that you spiked her drink with?” 

“Gamma-hydroxybutyrate commonly known as GHB.” She said without missing a beat she just stared at me. “It didn’t take much after that to convince everyone of what she really was.” 

“How would you know anything about who she really is?” I said raising my voice, standing up sharply and slamming my palms on the table. The chair I was sitting in clattered backward. Danielle jumped sharply at my voice. 

“She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is the only person that has loved me because of who I am not because of my job. She is gorgeous and loving and she has never done anything that you claim she did.” I said still yelling. “Why did you want to talk to me?” I said trying to contain the rapid rising and falling of my chest. 

“Because I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She said with a sincere look on her face. “I’m so sorry for not putting a bullet in her head right then and there.” She said leaning forward as far as she could. The sincerness was still there, but it was coated in a villainous glare. I furiously walked to the door and knocked on it, waiting for one of the officers to open it. When he did, Danielle’s voice stopped me. “Don’t think you’re safe from me just because I’ll be behind bars.” She laughed. “You better watch your precious girl like a hawk.” That was all I heard before the door closed, blocking out the sound of her laughter.


Sorry that I haven't updated in so long!!! I love you guys so much and I will try my best to update again tonight!!!! but it is 12:13 a.m. so yea I don't know how well this will go over!! Sorry that it sucks and is short but love you guys so much!!!!!! ♥

Steph ♥♥♥♥

Some Things Just Happen (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now