Chapter Thirty

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I heard the door open and close. This whole being unconscious thing was starting to get on my nerves. I had no idea who it is until the person said something.

"Hey. How did everything go?" My mom said to the person who walked in.

"Pretty good. It was rough on Liam though. I hate that I put him through all that." It was my dad. What happened to Liam? Is he ok?

"Dad?" I heard the room go silent. For the first time, it felt like I could move. I felt my mum grab my hand and squeeze it.

"Did she just talk?" I heard Luke say from a distance.

It felt like I was being pushed out of the darkness of unconsciousness. With some effort I opened my eyes to find an unbelievably bright room. I snapped my eyes closed again and feathered my eyelashes over my eyes in an attempt to shut out some of the light. My mouth felt dry. And I'm hungry.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I heard John say with a laugh.

"Mornin'" I said managing a smile as I got used to the light. Dad smiled down on me with usual look. The "I'm concerned but you'll never know" look. I saw my whole family standing around the hospital bed. Johnathan was leaning on the each by my feet, he grabbed my foot gently and shook it around, like he did when we were kids.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Just then I realized that there was a face missing around the bed. Liam.

"Where's Liam?" I asked and dad got a slightly guilty look. "Is he alright?" I was starting to get concerned about him.

"He's uh...with those other guys." Luke said sounding like he didn't really care.

"I need to see him." I said trying to sit up, but I found that my right arm was in a long and a large bandage covered my shoulder. I winced as dad told me to lie back down. Mom was working to make the bed incline more. She fluffed up the pillows and put them behind me.

"John go find him." Dad said in a stern voice. John nodded and walked into the hallway. The room went silent and I took the time to look around the room. It was drably decorated with a tv and a few chairs in a corner. On the table beside the bed was a vase with a few roses in it.

Mom saw me staring at them.

"Liam brought you those. He brought you one everytime we made him take a break." There were only four roses. "Once I caught him sleeping in that chair. And he was still holding your hand."

"How long have I been here?" I asked curious about how much time had past.

"Two days. The docs wanted to monitor you before going into surgery to correct your shoulder." I nodded. John came in a moment later, without Liam. He looked slightly distressed.

"Uhh... Dad can you come into the hall for a second." He said, putting his hands into his pockets. Dad seemed to pick up on his urgency and followed him into the hall.

Once they left, my mom sighed.

"I really like Liam. He's such a sweet romantic guy." I could feel myself blushing. "And he is gorgeous, I can tell why those fans love him so much. You know I bet he's good in bed too." My mom said nudging me.

"Mom!" Me and Luke said at the same time. That was something that my little brother did not need to know about.

"I don't like him." Luke said blushing like a mad man.

"Why? Because you're little girlfriend would dump you just to shake his hand?" I said snidely. "Go get me something to eat so I can yell at mum." He sighed and walked out.

"Come on! You can tell me!" Mom said leaning forward in anticipation. Like a schoolgirl.

"Mum we haven't done anything like that!" I said, my cheeks heating up. She winked at me.

"Tell me when to stop." She said holding up her hands and slowly moving them apart.

"Oh my God mom!" I said trying to get her to stop.

"Oh do you want to talk about that tattoo on your hip?" Crap. How did she find out about that? Just then dad walked back in. With a big smile on his face. As soon as he walked in, he kissed my nose. I have him a questioning look.

Luke came in a few seconds later.

"Where's my food?" I asked slightly disappointed.

"I got you some pudding but I got hungry so I ate it." He said smiling smugly. If I wasn't hurt I would've smacked him.

*Liam's POV*

I felt my hands shaking as I thought about what I was about to do.

"Mate, just do it! Follow your heart!" Louis said patting my back. He was always the one that have the best advise. I nodded.

I heard the door to her room open and close. John stepped out and walked toward me.

"Hey she just woke up if you want to see her. She's asking for you." He said when he got closer.

"Thanks but I have to do something first. Can you get your dad out here? I really need to ask him something." He looked sceptical at first.

"What do you need to ask him?" He said furrowing his brow.

"Don't tell Gracie but I want to ask your dad for his permission to marry her."


Hey guys!! I'm sorry for not updating but I hope this makes up for it.

Love ya!!

Steph <3

Ps I'm going to Ohio to visit relatives soon so I may not be able to update for a while but I will work something out. :)

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