Chapter 1 - Moving House

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[Falling For The Jerk...]

Chapter 1

I look out through the crappy small airplane window and stare out at the clear blue sky. The suns shining, it was rarely sunny in England.

"Please put your seat belts on securely as we are preparing for landing to sunny California!" The annoying air hostess's voice makes me jump in my seat and I quickly fasten my seat belt on.

First things first, my name's Ashley Roberts.

Age? 16.

Social life? None.

Friends? Zilch.

In England, I was the social reject, the loner with no friends, the geek with books as her best friend. Well, you get me right? I was just a no-one. No-one paid attention to me, I was invisible. But that's the way I liked it. It let me have more time to myself and I didn't have to think about the troubles of a friendship.

Why I'm moving to California? My dearest mum thought it was time for a fresh start since my dad died one year ago from lung cancer. Sure, I missed my dad like crazy, but does that really mean to move 5400 miles from the place I was born and grew up?

The answer would be no. Definitely not.

My mum better be happy for what I'm doing for her. Not that I have anything to lose except for a life of bullying, teasing and being called a geek half my life.

 But a fresh start, now that's what I call a shitty idea.

The plane lands and I quickly get out of my seat, pushing my way through the many people trying to get out like I was. After the 20 minute wait, I heave my big suitcase and small hand case up from the luggage pick-up point.

While I'm walking towards the arrivals, I can't help but look out of the glass windows. The spiky palm trees fit really nicely with the sun shining at the top of the place perfectly. People crowding outside the airport with big grins on their face making them look as if nothing can let them down. California's beautiful.

 I shake my head, NO.

I'm meant to hate this place. It's horrible. Yes Ashley, California's horrible. I hate it here already.

Sighing, I walk out and look through the crowds of people crying and laughing after being re-united together. I spot my mum, just in the midst of the crowds and like a bullet she starts running towards me.

"ASHLEY, HONEY! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." She pulls me into a bear hug and I relax into my mum's familiar smell. Cinnamon and mint. I can't say I didn't miss her.

"Mum, ca- can't breathe." My mum's grasp was so tight; she pushed all the oxygen out of my lungs.

She quickly lets go of me and gives me a sheepish smile.

 "Mum, it's only been a week since you left!"

 "I know, but I'm not used to not having you around, kiddo." Mum flicks my nose and takes my big suitcase from me.

 "Come on honey, you're going to love it here; it's so different from England." Yeah mum, I think I  may have noticed that on the plane.

I follow mum out of the airport, the Californian air and weather rushes into my face. Dang, it was hot. Once we push through the crowds of waiting relatives and friends of arrivals outside, mum leads me towards a red jeep which was parked in the parking lot.

First I was confused, I mean whose car was this and why the hell were we standing besides it? Then realization hits me, once mum uses the keys she had in her hand to unlock the doors and that's when I gasped.

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