Chapter 38 - You Turned Me, Babe

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Chapter 38:

"Ashley Baby. I think you should have more of that bacon sandwich, you've lost so much weight since I last saw you." Sam tuts at me, while piling a large bacon sandwich onto my already empty plate.

Seriously Caden and I only sat down for at least 5 minutes and in that short space of time I've already eaten my way through 2 hash browns, a bowl of Captain Crunch and a special helping of Sam's scrambled eggs with toast.

Yup, call me fattie all you like but I haven't had a proper breakfast nor meal in over 4 years.

I begin to shake my head but my tummy decides to disagree with my mind and gives a sudden rumble. I flush and suddenly grab the bacon sandwich. My mum, Sam and Caden laugh as they watch me taking deep, hungry bites into my bacon goodness.

How many years has it been since I ate some of my mum's and Sam's Sunday brekkies? I have no fucking idea. But I feel as if I've cracked my head on earth and become an angel.

" have no idea how much I miss this." I say, while giving her a greasy smile. I lick my lips and keep munching through my sandwich, getting through it like a lawn mower on the move.

"What? You mean our family re-union or just your beloved bacon sandwich?" Mum asks, sarcasm dripping on her words but shes chuckling.

"Both." I say, between mouthfuls. Once I've finished, I look around at the 3 people, who I truly care for. The only people whom didn't give up, they kept fighting for me.

"I think you should see Ros and Alex. " Mum says so suddenly, and everyone turns to look at her including me.

I don't say anything at first. My mum's words were only filtering into my head.

I put my sandwich down and keep my eyes trained onto it, determined not to meet the eyes of anyone, "...No..I can't. Besides, they probably won't want to see me."

I feel a pang of pain in my heart as I remember my two bubbly best friends. They probably hated me now, for leaving her with no damn goodbye, or sorry or anything. I just left. I didn't even wish them a fucking good luck with their relationship.

After all that shipping as well...

"Hey," Caden takes my hand underneath the table and squeezes it reassuringly. I turn to look at him, hoping I don't let the tears fall..he knew how much Ros and Alex meant to me. "You said that before we came here and look how that ended out. My mum and Clarissa welcomed you with open arms, I'm pretty sure your best friends will do the same."

I look down at my lap, our entangled hands. "I really do hope that happens." I whisper.

"Whats the worse that could happen, Ro-" I burst out laughing and shake my head.

"Don't start that again! I think of my mum in a very disturbing light now." I scrunch my face at him, completely forgetting the person I was talking about was sat in front of me.


"How do you think of me?" My mum chips in, her eyes curious.

"Nothing. She doesn't think of you as anything." Cade says quickly, before I get the chance to tell her about the hooker scenario Cade lovingly put in my head.

Mum shakes her head and taps her fingers on the table. This lady, who I could proudly call my mother, always knew when something was up.

"Caden..what exactly did you put into my daughters head?" My mum narrows her eyes at him and Caden looks away, pretending to find fascination in the vase on the table.

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