Chapter 37 - You Suck

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Chapter 37:

"Woah chill out, Ash. Its only me."

I put down the pillow I was holding above my head that I was planning to hit the victim in my bed, once I see Cadens lopsided grin appear from under my blankets. 

"CADEN? YOU IDIOT. I WAS ABOUT TO HURL YOU OUT THE WINDOW!" I yell at him, while my chest went up and down. My breaths came out long and frantic, I was so scared it'd be one of Chris's 'men' out to get me..

Caden actually had the grace to look sorry. I sighed and sat on the bed, "Why're you here anyway?" I ask curiously.

"Cos its my house." He deadpans.

I glare at him and get the previous pillow I was holding, and hit him on the face with it. "Caden! You know what I mean!" 

He grins at me, which suddenly made my nerves slow down and be calm. How does he do it? Just his grin makes my heart melt.

"Well, I'm definitely not moving from here. Its far to cozy." Caden says, while stretching across my bed and putting his hands behind his head.

I sigh and put the pillow back where it belonged. I could sense deja-vu along here. When did this happen before? 

Oh yea, when Caden thought it'd be good payback to wake me up at 5 in the morning when I used to live here. But now its at 2 in the night and I'm definitely not a night person as I am morning.

But I was so tired, I just jumped into the bed next to Caden. Which must have shocked caden cos he  looked over at me, surprised. He must have thought I'd whine until he left my room, but I wasn't that same 16 year-old ash now...I've matured, I guess.

Even if I still have a bit of my childishness left in me, living with Chris has taught me that life isn't all love.

Its war as well.

"I'm tired." I state, while I muffle a yawn with my hand and stare at him opposite me.

"Oh? So its not cos you just want to sleep with me?" Caden asks, winking at me. 

I turn deep red and as fast as I could, I turn around. "N-No." I simply stutter and reach to turn the light off, from the tiny desk next to me.

As the darkness envelopes the room, all I could hear was Cadens soft chuckle. I grit my teeth and refrain my foot from hitting his stomach, which probably wouldn't have caused much harm anyway, cos I was as weak as a baby. So the only other other option was to get my energy now and gain revenge on him tomorrow.


Tomorrow, he was so dead.


Waking up to the smell of scrambled egg, sausages, bacon and toast was refreshing. My body was already lifting up unconsciously because it smelled that delicious. 

Oh, bacon-y goodness...come to me..

But my body was locked down on the bed, by a body beside of me. I blink as I look to the side of me, to see a sleeping Caden. I stare at Cadens face for a while, then remember what happened last night.

That ass..

How'd he even get to manage to hold me down? All I felt was his soft breath and his eyes fluttering. He somehow actually looked like a angel. When his normal smirk and grin wasn't there, hiding his expressionless face he had now, he looked cute. Like a little child.

Before I know what I'm doing, I pinch his cheeks and feel the stubble of morning hair on his chin  underneath my fingers. 

Caden moves under my touch and I smile. Trailing my finger along his nose, which was straight with a slight bump near the end, and down his lip which felt really soft.

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