Chapter 2 - High School Freaking Drama

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Chapter 2:

Okay, so high school is different and I don't mean oh-just-a-tiny-bit-of-change difference but big time difference from secondary school in England.

I slowly walk up the pebbled lane, and look around. The grass is snipped perfectly and is a lush green color. There are groups of pink and yellow flowers placed on the grass in intricate designs. High school students are lying lazily on the grass either sunbathing or flicking through a magazine.

This is definitely not what I dreamed about at night in England, when my mum first told me we were moving to California. I dreamed about active red faced friends with quirky clothes and a kind generous boyfriend holding my books from class to class and pecking me on the lips when we separate for a different lesson. I dreamed about a full hour rush of high school students, waving at me or smiling at me when we pass each other in the hallway.

But this school is weird. The students look really posh and loaded either texting with their Blackberry's or iPhones or looking through magazines and picking out designer clothes they might buy after school and all that kind of crap.

The building looks quite old-fashioned, vines of green and red flowers disguise the fact that the school has crumbling grey walls. The front of the school was bright but started looking a bit dull the further you went inside.

I wonder where the reception is. Oh great, now I don't know the way to the reception desk, so I can receive my schedule and leave this hellhole.

I bite my lip and look around. All the girls have horrible sneers or fake smiles on the face, so I definitely know I'm not welcome there. I scan around again and keep my face expressionless.

There's a girl, with kind blue eyes and straight blond hair. I can see she's not a fake evil wannabe or cheerleader. She's standing near the walls, and turns her back to me to talk to a boy with thick black rimmed glasses, and brown soft eyes, who's leaning against the wall and nodding every once in a while to the girl.

Well might as well socialize in this posh school. I take two big breathes and walk up to the girl and boy.

"Uh hi!" I talk to the girls back. The boy looks around the girl to look at me and smiles.

"Hey!" The boy somehow has a really nice friendly voice.

The girl turns around and gives me the same friendly smile.

"I was wondering if you guys could show me to the reception?" I ask, looking at them with pleading, desperate eyes.

The girl and boy just smile again.

"Sure!" The boy says at the same time the girl says "Follow me!" Such nice people... But bloody hell, they smile a lot.

"So you're new here?" The girl asks me, while walking beside me. The boy was in front of us, leading the way.

"Yeah." I mutter in response, I know I sound rude but it's a lot to take in... High school.

"Cool. What's your name?" She prompts me to carry on talking. I look up to meet her ocean blue eyes and notice she has a good sense of fashion. She's wearing a knee-high black skirt and a red long sleeved crop top. I can see a heart shaped necklace faintly around her neck. She looked friendly enough to talk to.

"Ashley, what's yours?" I look forward again to avoid her gaze on me.

"Rosie, but you can call me Ros and that doofus leading the way is called Alex."

The brown-haired boy turns around to give me a lopsided, cheeky grin before turning back and continuing walking.

Like the girl the boy has good fashion sense. Black trousers with a white eagle printed t-shirt, which showed off his fairly toned stomach. I can't help but think Alex and Ros would be perfect as a couple.

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