Chapter 35 - You've Got Me

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Chapter 35:

"Hey, you're still here." That, ladies and gentlemen, was the welcome I get from Caden once he bursts into his dorm room. He looked surprised and tired at the same time. College must be hard work, because he had bags under his eyes which I'm pretty sure he didn't have this morning and a pile of library books in his arms. 

"Surprised?" I ask, while grinning at him. 

Caden walks over to me, puts his books on his desk and pats my head. "Of course not, you're my puppy. You follow my commands, baby." 

My grin immediately turns to a scowl and I shake my head. "Go get me water then, master." Caden raises his eyebrows and I quickly add, "Woof, woof." 

He then smiles happily, pats my head once again and goes out the dorm room, probably to go to the canteen or a vending machine. 

"Oh my god. YOU GUYS ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!" Kate screams from next to me on Cadens bed, almost scaring the hell out of me.

I give a nervous laugh, "Thanks, I guess."

"If you don't get together, I'm gonna force you guys together like play-dough, okay?" She says, while waving her hands around in determination. 

She reminds me so much of Ros, that I nearly cry but instead I laugh and brush it off.

"I wonder where Jonathons gone?" I ask, trying to change the subject and fortunately it worked. 

"Yeah, he didn't come with Caden did he? I wond-OH SHIT! HE SAID TO MEET HIM IN THE LIBRARY AFTER HIS LECTURES! OKAY, I'VEGOTTA GO. I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER, ASH. YOU BETTER CALL ME AND STUFF. BYE!" She waves and runs out the dorm while I stare after her. 

She's like a exact replica of Ros. But louder and extremely hyper. I look back to what her and I talked about in the last few hours, it was mostly about music, celebrities and friends. Weirdly, her and I have tons in common and that's why we exchanged numbers. 

Sighing, I lie on Cadens bed and turn to face the wall. My head adrift and cloudy from what happened today. It all happened so suddenly, it's like a dream. A big soft dream which deserves a happy ending. 

The bed suddenly dips next to me and I turn to look at Caden with his stupid grin and a bottle of Mountain Dew in his hands. 

"I didn't know Mountain Dew is a source of H2O now." I state sarcastically while shaking my head in mock shame. 

"In Caden world, dear, it is." He smirks and I just raise my hand...and facepalm his face. Once I removed my hand, Cadens face was so shocked that I had to burst out laughing. 

"What was that for?" He asked, his voice full of surprise and his eyes as wide as saucers. 

"For being cocky." I state while smirking at him, evilly. 

His surprised expression, in 5 seconds flat, turns into a cheeky one. My smirk drops and I shuffle away from him and press my back against the wall. 

That expression can only mean one thing, and one thing only.

"Tickle tickle." He says, laughing and that's when I burst out laughing myself and kicking my feet because his hands were under my neck, armpits and on my sock-covered feet. 

"P-Pleaaaase stop-p!" I say in between large amounts of laughter. 

"Not until you say the magic sentence." Caden smiles at me while continuing to tickle me.

"W-what's t-that?" I ask, my face turning confused but my laughter still going on and on.

Caden suddenly stops tickling me and gets on top of me. He puts his hand under my chin, tilts it up and puts his soft lips on top of mine. My mind goes overdrive and I wrap my arms around his waist trying to keep him there forever and thinking for him to not stop kissing me. 

"Guess." He says, simply after removing his lips. I could feel his gentle breath wavering on my face and I could see his eyes. There was only one emotion in there and that is how I immedietly knew what the magic sentence was. 

"I love you, Caden." 


"Don't you want to see your mum and Sam? Ros and Alex?" Caden says, breaking the silence. I turn my head and look at him. We were both currently lying on his bed, staring at his ceiling. 

"I do...but.." I stop and look back up at the ceiling. Caden pushes up against my side and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Why not?" I could feel my cheeks slowly growing hot and I put my cold palms onto them, trying to cool them down. 

"Because...I bet they all hate me now." I say, taking my hands of my cheeks. I sit up on the bed, put my legs up and put my arms around them. 

"Wrong. They miss you like crazy. They love you. They want to see you again. They haven't stopped thinking about you. Believe me, I go to that house every night. Its all Ashley this and Ashley that." Caden smirks but his eyes looked so sad and distant. 

I turn my head and look at him once again, his lying form, his arms behind his head. I don't say anything, I just stare at him. 

After Caden hears no response from me, he looks up at me and raises his eyebrows. "What?" 

I didn't know what I was gonna say was going to be a good or a bad decision. What if they didn't want to see me? What if they hated me? 

But instead of overly thinking about those questions like I usually did, I soothe my head with Cadens words. They miss me. They want to see me. They haven't stopped thinking about me. They love me. And that's what made me say what I said next.

"I want to go see them." I state and that's when Caden smiles brightly, gets up from the bed and grabs his coat and jacket while holding his hand out towards me. 

"Then why the wait?" He smiles. I jump up of the bed and hold onto his hand. 

"Because I was an idiot." I mutter. 

"An beautiful idiot who is making the right decision now." He corrects me.

"Wrong. An ugly idiot who's extremely scared about whats she's about to do right now" I correct him.

"Double wrong. A BEAUTIFUL Ashley, who has got nothing to be afraid of because  guess what? Shes got her very own Caden," He grins at me and continues "You've got me, Ash."

"Maybe that's what I'm most afraid of..." I mutter teasingly. 

He shakes his head while quietly laughing and moves a strand of hair out of my face. "And I love you and will never let you go again." 

I look ahead and tug my hand out of his. "Come on, lets go." I say, unemotionally and walk ahead towards his door. 



I knew she thought what I told her was a lie. But it was the most truthful thing I said in my whole life. My whole 21 years of my breathing.

Like hell I would let her go again.

Like hell I would lie about loving her.

Like hell I would hurt her.

Betray her.

Forget about her.

I love her and she had to know that. She meant the whole fucking world to me. I just hope she knew that, maybe not now. But as long as she knew, in the deepest part of her heart.

That's all that makes me happy now. 

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