Chapter 15 - Payback Really Is A Bitch.

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Chapter 15:

"Hey don't forget the puke all over the vase!" Caden hisses to me. It's completely amazing how a person can be so sweet and then suddenly turn so rude in the flick of a switch.

I take out the wet cloth and scrub the dried up puke on Sam's blue china vase, while scrunching up my nose from the horrible smell. Ew.

Caden was wiping down the TV. We were currently tidying the house so Sam doesn't shout at us. Oh, believe me she knows Caden had a party last night. But there's one rule, party all night but tidy the fucking house afterwards.

I finish wiping the last of the puke and throw the cloth away and stare around the room. I done all upstairs, stupid Caden forgot to lock all the rooms. But at least I remembered to lock mine and Sams.

Haha, Caden found a used condom in his bed this morning. I wonder if he slept on it. Okay now that is disgusting.

I hoovered the carpet in the living room and Caden cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms while I finished dusting of everything in the hallways.

"Finished." I say, I jump onto the L shaped sofa and close my eyes. How silence feels nice... but it always gets ruined by assholes.

"Me too." Caden says imitating my voice but in a much crappier version and sitting next to me on the sofa. I roll my eyes mentally.

"So wanna hang out?" Caden asks me breaking the silence. I was about to answer him, when my phone beeped concluding that I had a message.

I take my phone out of my pocket and flip it on. Yes, it's a crappy Motorola but whatever.

Hey dumbo :) Do you want to hang out today?

My heart literally stopped. I stared at the text message. It said sent from unknown number. But I knew who it was. Only one person would call me dumbo.

"Who's that? If its Ros ask her if had a lovely rant from her mom." Caden says while laughing.

I frown and shake my head. Caden stops laughing and takes my phone from my hand. While he reads the message his forehead scrunches with confusion.

"It's Chris." I say, giving him the answer to his confusion.

He tenses up and tightens his hands into fists. "You're not really going to hang out with him are you?" He asks while grinding his teeth together. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Of course not!" I say quickly.

"Good." He says while breathing out.

"Lets go to Pizza Hut!" I shout, trying to lighten the mood.

Caden chuckles and nods. "Wait let me just get my wallet." He goes upstairs.

I stare at my phone that Caden handed back to me and send a quick message back to chris.

My names ashley and no.

Then I block the number.


"One large pineapple and ham pizza please... and OOOOH OOOH with coke!" I say happily.

"One hot n spicy pizza with lemonade please." Caden says while eyeing me with amusement not even acknowledging the flirting red head of a waiter next to him.

"Any thing else?" She purrs while rubbing her arms up and down his. Caden frowns and snaps his eyes away from mine.

"No thanks." He says moving his arm away. The red head glares at me before stomping away in her pretty little heels. Why the hell isn't he flirting with her? Some player...

I put my two arms on the table and rest my head on it. Caden does the same from across the table and smirks at me.

"What?" I ask rudely.

"I like a girl with an appetite." He says his eyes twinkling with mischief. I roll my eyes and remember that maybe it is time for that payback I was gonna do...

"Oooh me too babe, but I don't feel like eating right now, wanna go to the bathroom with me?" I ask seductively while licking my bottom lip.

Caden stares at my bottom lip and nods quickly. I grin and take his hand pulling him up. "Aw man, I wouldn't like to be seen in a male bathroom would I?"

"No we can go to the ladies." He says still watching my bottom lip.    

I tug his hand and pull him into the ladies bathroom. Then, I  push him into the cubicle and smirk.

"Lock the door Caden." I say while trying not to laugh.

"Why?" His curious voice replies. My laughs get louder.

"Just do it." I say.

I hear the flick of the lock and I smirk to myself. So easy...

"Now take all your clothes off." I purr.

"What the hell Ash?" He asks.

"I took all my clothes of." I lie innocently.

I hear a groan behind the cubicle door and I grin to myself. 

"Have you done it?" I ask him.


"Pass me your clothes then."

Caden pushes the clothes under cubicle door and I laugh quietly to myself. I find his boxers and smile. "You can keep your boxers." I shout at him while throwing the boxers into the cubicle and then I run away holding his clothes to my chest.

Payback really is a bitch.



I hear the slam of the toilet door. Wait where the fuck did Ashley go. Shit. I pull my boxers on and growl. Damn, revenge...

I open the door and peep out. Thank god, there was no-one in here and this being a ladies toilet just makes it worse.

Ashley and her little revenge plans. That girl turns me on so much.

Just when I'm about the open the door and run out. The door opens and a couple of teenage girls who look about 13 or 14 come in. SHIT!

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