Chapter 42 - Finally

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Chapter 42:

I didn't know how long I'd been sitting in this car for but it was starting to really piss me off. 

Having no sense of what the time was, didn't exactly help the situation either. I honestly wanted Chris to be right here so I could hit him repeatedly until he fell unconscious, just like I did to idiot numero uno. Whom I'm happy to say is still dead to the world in the boot of the car, I know I'm a bad ass, my punching skills were boss.

A distant screeching makes me look up to the dark eerie night outside the front window, there were a pair of car lights in front of me, the intense beam of their lights made my eyes burn. I couldn't make out who it as as the car lights were glaring into the front window of the car. All I could make out was a dark shadow of a figure sitting behind the wheel.

My heart beat sped up. Who was this? It was in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere...oh my god. This sounded exactly like the plot of a horror movie. I could picture it all in my head, an unsettling deformed creature stepping out of the mysterious car, a white mask hiding it's horrifying face and a chainsaw poised in it's hands ready to slowly cut every limb in my body off as I screamed in agony and begged them to let me go.

Oh my god. Please. No. I laughed at those type of movies, I was never meant to be in one of them! 

I slide down in my seat, hoping that they can't see me even though their light shone brightly in my eyesight.

Fuck, of course they could see me.

Several minutes pass as I stay frozen in my seat waiting for the disgusting, shapeless monster to kick the car door open and run at me. My fate. This was my fate. To be eaten by a monster. Hopefully on my gravestone, Caden will know to tell them to put something a little less embarrassing for the cause of death. For example, 'Ashley Roberts; died saving a bunny rabbit.' or ya know something more or less the same.

Suddenly their door opened, which interrupted my funeral that was a little too happily playing in my head. My hands start to profusely sweat as the figure came out of the car. I had no plan except to be willingly tortured to death by a monster, whom I was hoping looked the least more friendly than what I was picturing.

I mean I wouldn't mind getting killed by Minnie Mouse, I mean how adorable would that be? Confusing? Yes. But cute? Fuck yeah.

The mysterious figure walked towards the car I was in, I wanted to jump out and run for my life but I was still stupidly frozen in shock. It was like I had the mindset of the stupid character in undeniably every horror movie who always checked the fucking attic after hearing a noise from up there. Ya know, the one who always end up dying, quite hilariously, in the end.

I waited and waited, my heart nearly going into cardiac arrest, it was beating that fast. The figure stood by my window and that's when I recognized who exactly it was.

And it was way, way worse than any old monster in a horror movie.

Way worse.


I fumbled to open my door and jumped on him, my arms instantly wrapped around his neck. I inhaled his familiar, manly scent and immediately my nerves settled down. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly, in response.


I chocked out the name I least expected to say tonight. I pulled my head back to look into his ocean blue eyes. Caden smiled, his eyes rimmed with relief.

My own personal monster was in fact, Caden Jones. Who would've guessed?

"Ashley." He stated back. I tugged myself out of his grip until my feet were on the ground and I was facing him. I drew my hand back and bonk him on his forehead. 

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