Chapter 11 - Its Called Revenge, Baby

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Chapter 11:

I hop into my jeep and drove to school.

When I'm on the highway, I quickly change lanes and right turn to the little road leading to school. Yeah, this school has its own road, that's how freaking rich it is. Parking my car in one of the many parking spaces, I get out of my jeep.

Someone appears by my side as if by magic. Ros.

"I don't get it, why does Alex always have to stay with his bitchy girlfriend all the time, why can't he hang out with us?" She starts babbling on about Alex, the way she always does when I arrive at school. I'm pretty sure Ros is jealous because well come on you don't see me getting angry at Alex for having a girlfriend!

I nod every once in a a while, to tell her I was listening but really I was thinking about cheesecake. Don't judge, I love it.

I walk to my locker and see Caden leaning against it with a really calm expression on his face, how the hell did he get here so fast? I'm pretty sure I left before him.

I walk to my locker and ignore Caden while getting my books out for the day, while Ros stands next to me still babbling about Alex in my goddamn ear, can I say personal space please?

Caden gives me a amused smirk and watches me get my books out and slam my locker then turn to glare at him.

"Had a good wake up call?" He asks me casually.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you woke me up yesterday at lunch, I woke you up this morning." He states, while rolling his eyes like I was stupid.

I let it sink in for a minute before I explode. "THAT'S WHY YOU DID THAT THIS MORNING, I WAS HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD SLEEP BEFORE YOU BLOODY HAD TO COME AND RUIN IT, YOU PIG!" I yell at him. Everyone in the corridor turns to looks at me, even Ros has stopped talking and believe me that girl never shuts her mouth.

I glare at everyone and continue ranting to Caden, "YOU..YOU...YOU..MANWHORE!" I say loudly, while pointing at him accusingly.

I hear a few people giggle but then cover it by coughing when they see the death look I gave them. Caden watches me for a second before putting his mouth right up to my ear and whispering, "Its called revenge, baby." And turns around walking to his next class.

I stare after him, so this is all one big game to him?

Well bring it on Caden, two can play at a game.


"The animal has multiple cells in its body and blah blah blah blah.." I hear the teacher say, while I yawn into my hand. I'm so fucking bored.

Ros looks at me from the seat next to me and smirks, remembering what happened this morning. I glare at her and stare at my blank notepad.

A note appears in front of me and I turn to Ros with a confused expression. She mouths at me to read it and read it, I shall.

what happened this mornin then?

I get my pen out of my pencil case quickly and write a reply.


I hand it back to Ros and she glances at it before writing something else.

doesn't seem like nothing, but tell me was it something naughty? ;)

I huff at her and she grins at me wickedly.

none of your beeswax, woman!

She giggles and scrunches the paper up with a determined look on her face telling me she is obviously going to ask more later. DAMN.

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