Fuck All Of Them

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I've just about FUCKING HAD IT with 98% of my so called "friends" all they do is disagree with me, and team up against me. This is why I'm quiet all the time, I don't fucking speak because everything I say is wrong to them. The only person who makes me feel somewhat better is TK. He questions me, sure, but he at least finds things I say funny and not sarcastically or because someone misheard me. Actually, he and MB at least want to involve me in things. I'm always the one asking people to hang out with me because they never offer to, I don't know why, I never did, probably never will. I have good days and bad days but this is the second day in a row where I just wanted to kill myself, at least I would be in peace and not have to deal with these shitty people and world anymore. Why can't things go back to the way things were? I don't want to go to school anymore. I keep playing scenarios over and over in my head about every single possible bad thing that could happen, I hate it, I hate this school, I hate my friends, I hate everything about my entire stupid life and you want to know the best part? I don't even care anymore. Fuck it, fuck them all, fuck life.

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