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I don't know why I felt the need to write this so late, but here I am. It's currently 12:00 am or 00:00 am for people who use military time. I recently broke my record for not writing anything it was 21, but now it's 22. I recently have been going to a lot of places to keep myself busy, to help with my sanity, of course. My wicked thoughts and many other things are what keep awake this late. But I know if I don't fall asleep, then it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I usually don't sleep very much, but these past two days, I did. The person I was with I wanted to get to know them more, and so did they. I was bored they were bored, so we hung out a couple of days ago for about an hour or so till my mom came to pick me up. Damn dentist appointment had to ruin the fun. Then yesterday I spent the whole day there and slept over. Welp, I can still count on one hand how many sleepovers I've had. That was my 5th one. It felt good to connect with people other than my family cause fucking hell they can be annoying, but whatever I'm glad I just got to get out for a while. Soooo yeah, those were just a few interesting days I thought I'd share, and I'm going to go try and read some of my books because I have a whole stash I got to get through. Have a good rest of your night/day. Idk.

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