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Maybe I just need to be away for a day or two (I guess it's a good thing. It’s the weekend). See no one in that amount of time. I've been so drained because of so many different people talking to me at once at school. It just gets to be a lot, conversations and homework, and other things going on in my life outside of school. I wish I didn't go to school today. All the people I hung out with were in the Drama Club, and I was miserable. Sure, everyone gets mad at their friends sometimes for serious or silly things. But you still care about them and wonder what it would be like if you were there with them. I don't know why I just couldn't get my mind off them. I tried to put it in the back of my mind, but it wouldn't budge. Sometimes, it's difficult to see everyone be a part of a show or special event, and you are the only one not participating or going. I didn't want to join because I knew there would be new people joining, and I don't like change at all. I wanted to focus on myself and not worry so much about the people around me, that's why I asked them to keep it to themselves so I wouldn't have to hear about it cause then I'd feel guilty and angry with myself that I didn't join. And I don't know. I didn't really have many choices growing up. You know missing 4 years of school is a lot of years to miss school. It makes me feel uneducated. I should know a lot, but I don't. I keep hearing this song called Ring  Round a Rose or something like that, and I've never heard of it. I don't know what it is or why it's something people sing, and when I tell someone I didn't know what it was, they were shocked. I didn't know it was such a big deal.
Isolation is a thing, and I may not be able to succeed fully as I have a family who constantly wants to be around me for some reason. Whatever chance, I get peace and quiet, to be alone. I'll take it.

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